Jerome XX

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Friday morning came and went in a haze for Jerome. He was exhausted having tossed and turned all night worried about their latest problem. He wasn't able to pay attention in his classes because he was so distracted thinking about the missing shield. He spent his lessons turning plan after plan over in his mind trying to think up a scam that would work. Which was truly a shame since he had apparently missed quite the show in Chemistry when Patricia and Eddie faced off to see who could cause more chaos.

Looking across the lounge he saw Mara working intensely on something. Walking over to her he dropped his bag startling her. "Oh Jerome! I didn't see you there" she greeted happily.

"What are you working on Jeffrey? Your election speech?"

"Election speech? Oh that! No, that is the least of my worries"

"Mara you have to take this seriously. Have you done any campaigning?" he asked concerned.

"Not yet. I've been too wrapped up in my profile on Vera. Besides statistics show that the general population is more likely to vote for the incumbent anyway. My focus needs to be on the website right now".

"Mara. If you want to keep your position as school representative and the power to make this school better, you need to campaign. All of Osiris house is bound to vote for Tessa, and Amber has been busy connecting with the Isis house residents".

"I know, I'll write my speech later, maybe you could help? You did such a good job last year".

"I would love to, but I already agreed to help Amber this year. Maybe you can ask Patricia? You two are friends, right?"

"I would, but Mrs. Andrews assigned her and Eddie to cover the election, so they have to remain impartial".

"Well what about Joy? You two are roommates. I know you didn't really hang out much before this year, this could be a fun way for you two to bond".

"You're right, I'll ask her during the lunch break". The pair then turned their conversation to lighter topics as they waited for their study hall to be over.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Lunch time found Jerome and Alfie once again in the Frobisher Library. The pair had to do some fast thinking and sweet talking to get Trudy and Jasper to allow them access to the books. Technically everything that was originally in the library was supposed to be treated of as part of the exhibit, but Jerome had used his status as an employee to get them in while Trudy and Jasper went on their break.

The pair rushed up the stairs and began to search through the upper level shelves for their desired book. It took about 10 or so minutes before Alfie called out getting Jerome's attention from where he was knee deep in yearbooks "Dude! Here it is. The school sporting record!"

Flipping through the book quickly and trying not to cough at the dust cloud that formed Jerome found the section on the Frobisher shield. "Listen to this Alfie. 'The jubilant champions holding the winner's shield, which was donated to the school by Sarah Frobisher-Smythe in honor of her father Robert who was a keen Ping pong enthusiast'".

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