Liliana XL

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Summary: Lili and Poppy have a heart to heart and then Lili loses her cool. 

Evie's Notes: I hope you enjoy the new chapter! 


The screaming started immediately. Liliana sprung into action, grabbing her flashlight she found the screwdriver in of her desk and set to work removing the hinges on the door.

Bursting into the hallway Liliana looked around to try and locate the source of the power outage. Patricia followed after her frantically signing in the faint light "What the hell just happened" signed Patricia "Is this Senkhara? Or Victor?".

"I don't know" replied Lili "Poppy, where are you?" but Poppy was nowhere to be seen.

Nina poked her head out of her room and asked what all the screaming was about. Lili and Patricia shook their heads saying that it wasn't them. The trio set off following the sound of the screams.

Downstairs they found Eddie waiting with flowers and chocolate looking rather confused and Mara screaming her bloody head off while clinging to Jerome's arm.

Victor appeared with Vera on the balcony and barked "Mr. Clarke what on earth is causing this power outage!".

"We don't know, Victor. Maybe the one of the fuses blew?" suggested Jerome

"Or maybe someone accidentally flipped the master switch" added Lili.

"Very well, Vera come with me and we will go check the fuse box. The rest of you are to remain here" ordered Victor.

Seeing that Patricia was now ready to go, her and Eddie decided to leave for their date.

This left Jerome, Mara, Nina and Lili standing awkwardly in the atrium awaiting Victor's return. Luckily, Mara had finally stopped screaming which allowed Lili's hearing to go back to normal.

With a loud "Ha!" and a bang from Victor in the cellar, the lights suddenly switched back on. Victor and Vera soon reappeared back in the atrium.

"What caused the power outage Victor?" asked Nina.

"Some miscreant flipped the master switch" announced Victor grimly.

Thinking of her phone sitting upstairs, still without charge, Lili quickly put together the missing pieces.

"Yikes! Hope you catch them" she smiled.

"Oh I will, don't you worry" intoned Victor menacingly before returning to his office with Vera.

Apparently having had enough of all of this, Mara dragged Jerome back to their room.

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