Liliana XLIII

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Summary: Christmas has come to Anubis House!

Evie's Notes 1: Thank you so much for the love and support you have given me and this story. This chapter is basically all Holiday fun and fluff. I hope you enjoy the new chapter!


Christmas Eve found the residents of Anubis House wrapped in a flurry of activity. Christmas carols were blasting from the stereo in the sitting room as the joyful laughter of the residents echoed through the house.

The Anubis residents had decided to embrace the start of break with a well-deserved lie in. Knowing that they had a week free from classes, the students, minus Mara who had left that morning, put aside all thoughts of school and homework in favor of wreaking havoc in the kitchen.

Vera had apparently left to celebrate the holiday with her sister, and Victor was sulking in the cellar so there was no one to tell the teens off for their kitchen creations.

Lili, Patricia and Eddie were the most competent of the bakers, but their lack of skills didn't stop the others from "helping".

Flour, sugar, water, sprinkles and food coloring covered the kitchen counters. In the middle of the destruction though sat a large pile of decorated cookies, the fruits of the exhausted students' labors.

The group of nine were covered in varying degrees of baking ingredients. From Amber who had kept her apron immaculate except for one or two specks to the dynamic duo of Eddie and Alfie who were covered head to toe in flour.

Eddie had retrieved his camera sometime during the decorating process and took it upon himself to document the utter joyous chaos that was Christmas Eve in Anubis House.

The group cleaned up the messy kitchen before going their separate ways. The practicing Christians Liliana, Jerome, Joy, Amber and Alfie would be heading into town for the Christmas Service while the others stayed behind.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Lili and the others returned to their house after dropping Poppy back at Hathor house. The church goers quickly changed into more comfortable clothing before beginning their assigned kitchen tasks. With Vera gone for the next day or so, the students decided to split up the kitchen duties based on skill, or lack of it.

Liliana, Eddie and Jerome were placed in charge of the main dishes for the group, while overseeing Amber, Joy and Fabian's attempts at preparing the sides. Patricia was the official Queen of Sweets and had been unanimously voted in charge of all desserts by the residents.

Nina and Alfie were not to be trusted with sharp objects or fire, so they were entrusted with clean up and setting the table.

With everyone working together the gang was able to whip up a miniature celebratory holiday feast.

Settling down in her seat between Jerome and Amber, Lili looked around the table with a smile. She was so thankful to have found such a welcoming and loving family, cursey spirits aside. The past few months had been a roller coaster ride, but she wouldn't have had it any other way.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

After the dinner dishes were cleared away and the leftovers boxed up, the group settled in for a game night. Nina had fetched the board game Lili had found in the library was surprisingly locked in a relatively friendly match against Joy. Patricia, Eddie, Fabian and Amber engaged in a furious battle of Truth or Dare Jenga. Jerome and Poppy were completing their own Clarke family tradition of reading A Christmas Carol by the fireplace. Lili turned back to her own game just as Alfie sunk her battleship.

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