Eddie XLIX

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Summary: Jerome gives advice and Patricia finally talks to Eddie.

Evie's Notes: Hey y'all I hope you are having a great week! Just a heads up that this chapter has a brief mention of Patricia's dysfunctional family situation. So please take caution while reading that section of her confession to Eddie. Hope you enjoy the new chapter! Let me know your favorite part in the comments!

The end of winter break came far too fast for Eddie's liking. Mara returned with great fanfare Sunday afternoon and Joy was over the moon to have her roommate back. While the girls had competed over the school website business in the past, Joy still counted her as a good friend. Hopefully Mara's return would also calm the strange mood that Patricia and Joy had been in the past few days.

England had been full of surprises for Eddie. If you had asked him a few months ago about reuniting with his long-lost father, well he wouldn't have been able to come up with anything worse; but now, well he wouldn't change any of it for the world. Of course it was super disconcerting to learn that his father was a part of a weird immortality cult and that he had kidnapped both his current best friend and his girlfriend, but Joy and Patricia were worth it.

The other residents of the house were chill, but kind of hard to get to know. His roommate Fabian was always with Amber and Nina, so the pair hadn't really bonded. Of course, there was the strange pull he kept feeling towards Nina ever since they had hung out one night during the break, but he just chocked that up to the fact that she was a very pretty girl and the only other American in the crazy house. Alfie and Jerome were fun, but Eddie hadn't had a chance to bond with them either since they kept disappearing with the others.

Speaking of the devil, "Eddie can I borrow your notes for French?" asked Jerome.

"Yeah, give me a sec" replied Eddie distractedly, still thinking about Patricia and Joy's strange behavior.

"Something on your mind?" quipped Jerome shaking the sandwich he had accidentally passed the boy instead of his French notebook.

Eddie had to scoff, Jerome was definitely one of the last students he would go to for girl advice in Anubis house, except for maybe Fabian.

"Oh, come on. I'm not all bad" complained the Brit. "Try me"

What the heck, what's the worst that could happen? "I'm just thinking about Patricia".

"Not having second thoughts now are you mate?" asked Jerome lightly, but with a dangerous undertone.

"No! No, of course not!"

"Good. Now I thought that you were one of those supercool, uberconfident, piece of cake kind of guys" he teased.

"Uh thanks. But no, it's... I don't know. Patricia is different from the other girls I've dated. I've never felt like this before. Which is why this new behavior is so troubling".

"Ok. Then here is what you do my American friend. The next time you are with her, you are going to plant a big fat smackaroo right on those luscious lips of hers" explained Jerome.

"You really think so?" asked Eddie uncertainly. He was getting desperate enough to have his Yacker back, that he was willing to try anything.

"Yeah... well everything except luscious" joked Jerry.

"Leave off" scoffed Eddie bumping the taller boy's shoulder before strolling off.

"Wait where are you going?" called Jerome confused, "French is that way".

"Oh, I've been to class all morning, it's Eddie time" smirked Eddie as he jogged out of the school.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

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