Jerome & Joy XXXVIII

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TW: Joy's mental health issues and Eddie's assumptions of an improper student-teacher relationship. 


Jerome's POV:

Jerome was so ready for winter break to finally start. He swore that the teachers were conspiring to give them the most work possible even with midterms next week. His assignment book was overflowing and that didn't even include Sibuna research.

Ms. Valentine entered the classroom before Jerome could continue to worry over his workload. "Good morning class!" she greeted them cheerfully. "Please tell me that you've done your homework on Cleopatra".

Jerome proudly held up his completed assignment. Looking around he noticed that Nina, Fabian and Amber were running late.

"Oh miss! You're the one who knows Mick, aren't you?" asked Mara.

"Yeah, I taught him at my previous school. We haven't met yet, I'm Ms. Valentine".

"I'm Mara Jaffray, I had a dentist appointment during your first class".

"Ah, Mara, at last! I have a message for you".

"Teacher's grapevine? Only you Mara" joked Joy.

"Mick said to tell you that he's doing really well in Australia".

"Oh? How sweet of him!".

"He talks about you all the time".

"really?" asked Mara blushing.

"Of course, and there was another thing too... Oh! He said to say he couldn't wait to introduce his girl from Australia".

"He's got an Australian girlfriend?" she shrieked going pale.

Jasper Choudhry appeared interrupting the conversation before it could continue, "Here we are Ms. Valentine. Those books you asked for"

"That you Mr. Choudhry!"

"I thought that my godson was in this class" mused Jasper.

As if summoned by Jasper's comment the missing Sibunas burst into the room. "I'm really sorry we're late" apologized Fabian frantically. "We had... well I had an excuse, but I've completely forgotten it. Don't worry though, it was brilliant!" he assured hurrying to his seat.

"We're all very proud of him" smiled Jasper.

Jerome's attention was pulled away from the staff as he heard Eddie try and ask Patricia out.

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