Alfie/Amber/Liliana LIII

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Summary: Amber makes a bad call, Alfie's first aid training comes in handy and Lili is really sick of their B.S.

Evie's Notes: Hi everyone! Welcome back to ✨Tears of Gold ✨. I hope you enjoy the new chapter, let me know your favorite part in the comments!

Chapter Warning: Injury, emergency situations, and hospital scenes.


Alfie woke up early Sunday morning and quickly went about his routine. Getting dressed in his warmest workout clothes he quietly snuck out of his room making sure not to wake Jerome. Dropping his gym bag in the dining room, Alfie set the kettle to boil as he gathered a few breakfast supplies. After downing a cup of tea and filling up two other thermoses, he placed his supplies in his gym bag and headed for the front door.

Strangely though, Amber wasn't siting on the bottom step waiting for him like usual. Thinking that she must just be running late, Alfie took a seat on the steps himself and waited for Amber. It only took a couple of minutes for him to realize that she probably wasn't coming. Confused, he got up to go find her only to slip on an envelope.

"What?" he muttered picking it up. Flipping the envelope over he found his name inked on the front in Amber's familiar scrawl.

I'm leaving you this letter to let you know that I already left for practice this morning. I took a cab, and I will call one to get back home later. Go back to bed.

-Amber Lucille Millington.

Dropping the letter Alfie grabbed his bag and ran out the front door to the closest car park. Amber knew how dangerous it was for her to practice by herself. If she got injured no one would know to look for her for hours.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

'She was so stupid' thought Amber as she raced around the rink. 'Why did she ever think that she could be enough for someone. Everyone left her in the end, why did she ever believe that Alfie was any different?'.

Amber skated even faster as she neared the bend, of the rink trying to outrun the thoughts coursing through her mind.

"Amber watch out!" yelled Alfie's voice unexpectedly.

Looking up Amber noticed that she was approaching the bend far too fast. She frantically tried to slow down or change direction, but she only succeeded in spinning out and losing all control. The front of her skate caught the ice at a bad angle, and she was thrown harshly to ground hitting her head with a sickening crack.

She heard Alfie call out "Amby!" and the sound of thundering feet as she closed her eyes to take a little rest.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Alfie felt his world stop as Amber fell to the ice. He could hear the crack of her head hitting the ice even from his place in the stands. Throwing open the gate he raced across the ice to his girlfriend's side. When he reached her his first aid training kicked in and he found that her eyes were closed but she seemed to be breathing normally.

Seeing that she didn't have any other injures he pulled out his phone and dialed 999 for the emergency responders. Alfie knew that head injuries could be extremely dangerous, so he followed the operator's instructions to treat it as a spinal injury and carefully aligned her head with the rest her body.

The operator assured him that the ambulance would be their soon, but the wait seemed to be eternal for the frightened boy. Finally, the doors to the rink burst open and two paramedics rushed in wheeling a stretcher.

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