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Summary: Eddie gets frustrated with all the whispering and has a terrifying nightly encounter

Evie's Notes: Happy Saturday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜. This is the second update for today. I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this new chapter🌺.


Eddie was getting seriously frustrated! He had been all over the school but he couldn't find either of his best girls. He knew it was probably crazy, but he couldn't help but feel like they were avoiding him... but that was insane right?

Entering the student lounge, he finally spotted Joy and Patricia sitting with Fabian and Amber.

"Sorry, it's just that after what happened last time it is better to be safe" apologized his best friend.

"We're rapidly running out of time," worried Fabian.

These guys were really bad at whispering.

"All this whispering" interrupted Eddie. "A guy could develop a complex around here".

Normally his witty quip would have made Joy laugh and Patrica crack a smile along with her normal eye roll, but instead he just received matching blank looks.

"Oh well we... uh we..." stuttered Fabian.

"Yeah we've got to go do that thing, right Amber?" reminded Joy. And yeah, Eddie knew a fake excuse when he heard it.

The trio quickly made a swift exit, leaving him alone with an uncomfortable Patricia.

"We're... we're not whispering about you" assured his girlfriend. "Don't worry".

"Well, what were you whispering about?" pressed Eddie. "Where do you guys all disappear to every night?"

"If I told you, I would have to wipe your memory and get you deported," teased Patricia, clearly trying to throw him off.

Laughing with her awkwardly, he let the subject drop. She obviously wasn't going to trust him with her troubles, and worrying about her's wouldn't help solve his own. How the hell was he supposed to figure out who Rene was, and save Jerome on his own?

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Eddie once again slept fitfully, he couldn't stop thinking about poor Jerome being held captive by that strange man. He had been tempted so many times to call the police and have them go and knock down the door to the warehouse and save his housemate. But everytime he picked up the phone to call 999 he was reminded of Joy's warnings that the local police could not be trusted. Who knows, maybe if he called the cops he would be placing Jerome in more danger!

Tugging his pillow over his head, Eddie let out a groan, what the heck was he supposed to do!?

"Are you he?"

what? Eddie could have sworn he just heard a voice... but Fabian was asleep?

"We need more time" moaned a second voice... and yeah that was Fabian.

"Tell me boy, are you he?"

Yup. That wasn't his roommate! Weighing the odds of getting stabbed by the unknown invader against it being a left over Alfie prank... Eddie removed the pillow from his head.

"The chosen one is failing and I must wake the Osirian. Are you he?" rasped a black figure.

"Smokey, leave him alone" snapped Eddie. How many times could their house be broken into, only to freeze as the figure turned around.

The blood in Eddie's veins turned to ice as he beheld the horrifying face of a far too familiar figure.

"You see me too?" asked the terrifying spector. "Perhaps the Osirian sleeps in you".

"What?" Eddie understood maybe half of the words in that sentence.

"Take my hand boy" offered the woman, holding out her palm on which a glimmering mark shined. The dog mark, it was so.... Pretty. Eddie wanted to take it!

"No, Eddie, don't!" shouted Fabian. The boy was now wide awake and crouched in a position which would allow him to launch his body at the ghostly woman.

"A born protector, perhaps it is you after all" mused the shadowy queen.

"I don't know what you are talking about," protested Fabian.

"You will tell" threatened the spirit, before extending her hand closer to Eddie. And yeah, all warnings aside... Eddie really wanted to take her hand.

"Tell me" shrieked the woman. "I must find the Osirian".

Eddie's senses seemed muted, and what little good sense he did have was overwhelmed by the rushing and roaring desire to take her hand.

"Eddie!" shouted Fabian as he launched past the woman, "WAKE UP EDDIE! WAKE THE FUCK UP!".

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Eddie thrashed awake tangled up in his sheets, coated in a cold sweat. He could hear his roommate panting heavily alongside him. Trying to catch his breath, Eddie struggled to comprehend the question Fabian asked him. It was only after the boy repeated himself that Eddie was able to curb his anxiety and terror enough to process the dark haired boy's words.

"Bad dream?"

"Yeah..." agreed Eddie, that was certainly one way to put it. "You remember back when Mara and I were ghost hunting? Yeah well... It looks like the local ghost is haunting me now".

"Huh. Sounds bad. Good night" commented Fabian, before curling up under his sheets.

What? That's it. This boy knows all sorts of Magic Shit according to Joy and he's just going to let Eddie's ass be haunted? He clearly made for an awful friend.

It was then that Eddie remembered an important detail from his dream... Fabian had been there as well!

"Were you dreaming of her too?". Squinting through the low light of the room, Eddie was just able to make out the curled form of his sneaky roommate.

"No." intoned the boy, clearly not in the mood to continue their conversation. "You woke me".

"Oh. My bad, sorry" apologized Eddie. But as he laid back down he couldn't help but feel more alone than ever. He didn't know why, but he almost wished he had taken that woman's hand.


Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know what you want to see more of in the comments!

Next Update: Joy has a breakthrough!

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie🌺

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