Jerome XXV

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Twenty-four hours later and Jerome still couldn't believe that Amber had lost. While Mara was a great friend, her had really expected either Amber or Tessa to crush the girl. The fact that she had 'won in a landslide' according to Mrs. Andrews was rather suspicious. The whole thing reeked of trickery and underhanded actions which was his bread and butter as a self-proclaimed conman. Mara mysteriously coming out on top was definitely something he would have done. So that begged the question of who rigged the vote?

Amber was rightly distraught over her loss. She had packed up her bag and headed out to the gym in hopes of letting her frustration on the dummies. Nina had volunteered to go with her and stop her from changing paths and attacking Mr. Sweet. This was more out of concern for the Headmaster's health since Amber's martial arts skills were nothing to scoff at.

After congratulating Mara on her win, Jerome headed to the café to meet up with Alfie Lili and Tessa's campaign crew to assemble a plan of attack. It was decided that Jerome and Jude Evans would take point on gathering any info in regard to the ballot box itself. Abby and Jason would gather their own data from students to back up the survey Eddie and Patricia took at the meeting earlier, hopefully having the survey conducted by both houses would shut down any claims of bias. The others would work to compile a list of suspects and begin to interrogate them. Having created a new group chat, the meeting dispersed, and everyone headed home for dinner.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Saturday had mostly consisted of knocking out his homework and planning how he could gain access to the voting slips. After talking with Jude, they had agreed that Mrs. Andrews was most likely holding onto the voting slips. The pair had to carefully plan when they could break into her classroom and check. A smile crossed his face as he felt another stakeout coming on. Stakeouts were always more fun with a friend and hopefully there wouldn't be any wild geese this time. Though he had to admit Alfie's plan had worked out even if it had been rather messy.

The slam of the front door drew his attention, looking up he saw Liliana blow into the room. "Hey Lili flower!" he greeted. The girl froze hearing his greeting. "Is something wrong love?".

"Huh?!? Nothing's wrong! Everything is A-ok! Absolutely normal!" she squeaked. "I just came to grab a snack. So yeah!" grabbing a banana off the table the blonde tore out of the room like she was being chased.

So clearly, she wasn't ok. Jerome couldn't think of a reason as to why the blonde would be acting that way around him. She was perfectly fine this morning at breakfast, at least until he had walked in, at which point she had taken her muffin to go muttering something about waking Amber. There wasn't much he could do about it though when she wouldn't stay in the same room as him, hopefully whatever was going on with her would pass. If not, well Alfie had already played mediator for the pair before, if needed Jerome was sure the boy would gladly do so again. Putting Liliana's strange behavior out of his mind, Jerome turned his attention back to planning his latest scheme.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Unfortunately Liliana was still acting strange Monday morning, she had avoided him all weekend fleeing the room whenever he entered. Resolving to speak to Alfie about it after classes Jerome headed into Mr. Sweet's office.

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