Poppy & Liliana XXXIX

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Poppy's POV:

Penelope Clarke was furious. She felt kind of bad for storming out of her and Missy's room so angrily but after the blonde revealed what she had seen, well Poppy wasn't thinking rationally. Her brother was a bloody idiot, what game was he playing kissing Mara like that? How dare he play Liliana like this; Poppy clearly had a brother to kill. Luckily for her, his shift at the library would be ending soon so she knew just where to find him.

"Jerome Anthony Clarke, What the hell do you think you are doing" shrieked Poppy as she stormed through the library's doors. Her shout caused Jasper to drop the stack of books he had been holding in shock.

"Hello Poppy" he greeted. "Can I help you with something".

"Hi Jasper, have you seen my ass of a brother?" she asked forcing a pleasant smile onto her face.

"I'm afraid you just missed him. Miss Jaffray just came by to pick him up. I believe he said that they were planning to take pictures by the lake before the sun goes down".

"Thanks for your help Jasper" sighed Poppy.

Back outside the library Poppy weighed her two options. She could continue on her quest to kill her brother or she could go check on Liliana. Given that Mara and Jerome had changed their social media profiles to reflect their apparent relationship, it was only a matter of time before Liliana checked her own social media and got hurt. Yes, protecting Liliana should come before getting revenge on Roe. Adjusting to her new plan Poppy switched directions and booked it to Anubis house. Hopefully she wasn't too late!

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Liliana's POV

Going blind was not conducive to running her own fashion business Liliana discovered. True she wasn't completely blind yet, but every day it became harder to see as the black spots dancing in her eyes grew. The other Sibunas were not faring much better, Alfie had continued to shrink, and the group feared that the other students would soon start to notice. Amber had continued to rapidly age causing Lili, Nina and Fabian to worry about the video she was supposed to star in on Friday. Fabian's memory seems to get worse by the hour and Patricia's voice to text app had stopped functioning. Jerome was by far the worst, which Lili couldn't help but reason that the intensity of the hex was triggered by their illustrious leader's feelings, as his fangs had lengthened along with his fingernails and begun to drip venom. Liliana could not wait until they figured out how to play the Song of Hathor and were returned to normal.

At least Mr. Sweet had finally gotten around to hiring a new Literature teacher. Lili was excited to start writing for the paper again, hopefully Ms. Valentine would announce a meeting of the newspaper staff soon. Liliana had started brainstorming article topics such as student leader profiles, the history of the Frobisher estate, writeups on the school's sports teams and more!

With classes over for the day Lili was taking the opportunity to relax before diving into the mountains of homework her professors had buried them in. Her peace did not last long as the doors to the sitting room blew open and a frantic Poppy came barreling in.

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