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Summary: Amber and Alfie catch a thief ✨

Evie's Notes: Happy Wednesday! Here is the first of three chapters that I am dropping today. I hope that you enjoy, let me know your favorite part in the comments!


Amber could feel her leg bouncing nervously as she sat on Alfie's bed waiting for him to return with the camera from the sitting room. She felt that her anxiety was understandable given that they were about to unmask the person who had broken into her room and stolen her dollhouse.

Amber jumped a little, startled by the sound of Alfie's door opening and shutting quickly. "Did they see you?" she asked, as the boy connected the camera to his laptop.

"No, but they might have had another camera watching this camera. I'm starting to get paranoid"

"Just starting to?" teased Amber lovingly.

"Oh bug off. It makes sense to be cautious when you have a murderous ghost stalking your every move" flailed Alfie.

"Fair enough," laughed Amber, turning her focus to the screen. "Nothing so far, can you fast forward all the boring parts? We'll just stop when we see our dollhouse".

Alfie nodded in agreement and began to fast forward the recording. The pair watched in tense silence as the video showed various house residents going about their night time routines, the Sibuna club heading down into the cellar shortly followed by the ghost hunting trio. Everything came to a head though when a familiar tall form jogged up the main stairs, where he definitely should not have been.

"What the heck was Jerome doing home? He was still at work when we finished up with all the Sibuna stuff last night" asked Amber.

"I don't know. I guess he came back to talk to Mara? Her and Joy were the only girls upstairs at this time" shrugged Alfie.

He hit play and the pair watched the recording at regular speed. Unfortunately it only took a couple more minutes for the pair to find their dollhouse thief. Amber paused the video feed with the incriminating image of Jerome lugging the large dollhouse down the main staircase.

"No! It can't be!" protested Alfie.

"Why on earth would Jerome steal our dollhouse? He's a sibuna now, he knows how important it is".

"I don't know Amby, but we are definitely going to find out," promised Alfie.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

It wasn't until several hours later that Jerome and Alfie's door creaked open, and the young man Amber and Alfie had been waiting for appeared. Jerome walked into the room in what appeared to be a trancelike state. Amber positioned herself in a firm stance, squaring up to face the boy with her best bitch face, out of the corner of her eye she saw Alfie doing the same.

Jerome turned around and was clearly shocked to see the two of them ready to interrogate him.

"Is this a raid?" joked Jerome, clearly trying to lighten the heavy situation.

Amber signalled Alfie to grab the laptop as she silently spun the desk chair around for the tall boy.

"Sit down buddy" intoned Alfie as he showed Jerome the still image from the camera of the boy stealing the dollhouse. "We have something to talk to you about".

"Please tell me that this isn't as bad as it looks" begged Amber.

"Actually, it's worse" revealed Jerome dropping down into the chair as if all the strings holding him up had been cut.

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