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Summary: Joy and Fabian have a talk...

Evie's Notes: Oh my gods Y'all, I can't believe that it is already the one year anniversary of this story. Thank you to everyone who has been here since the beginning and all who have joined us since then 🌺. This amazing work certainly would not be here today with out all of your support! Thank to everyone for taking a chance on an unfinished work, that continues to grow at a rapid rate 😂. I do still plan to write two sequels to this story, but we have to wrap this tale up before conquering the summer (Peddie in America anyone?) and a very different take on their Senior Year! I am bursting with ideas for those stories and have pages and pages out outlines, maps, Pinterest boards and more. So coming soon(ish)...

In the meantime I hope that you enjoy this new chapter of Tears of Gold! I apologize in advance if I make anyone cry, I cried myself writing it. Anyone who follows my Tumblr saw me post about this, but poor Joy goes through so much! Luckily or Unluckily, once you hit rock bottom there is no where to go but up! Though it seems that Joy has brought her shovel and is prepared to dig... after all it is almost valentines day (stay tuned for a certain Nina article).

Let me know your favorite part down in the comments. Lots of Love - Evie 🌺


Joy was utterly exhausted, Wednesdays were one of her hardest days academically. While she was definitely thankful to finally be out of her captivity; the amount of catch-up work she had to do, to hopefully graduate on time, was endless. Between the crushing homework, fluctuating relationships and the general stress of being trapped socially by her old kidnappers... well it was safe to say that this wasn't Joy's year. The one bright spot in the shitstorm that was the last year and a half, was Eddie Miller. Joy would never have imagined a boy like Eddie being her bestie (which to be fair she had basically adopted Pep on sight in sixth year), but now she couldn't imagine her life without him!

Her phone dinged announcing a new text message, pulling her out of her melancholy thoughts. Checking the screen, she found that the new message was from the best friend in question.

Hoagie Boy: Stop procrastinating Joy. I know you don't want to write the paper, but staring at the ceiling and bemoaning your life won't make your problems go away.

As much as she hated to admit it... he was right. Maybe if she had actually been the fucking chosen one, she would have had some magic powers that would write her paper for her. Nina was still in school, despite rarely attending classes and turning in assignments even less. But bitching about Nina wasn't going to get her paper done.

Hoagie Boy: This is the last paper you have to write to finish the credits for your tenth year. After you submit everything you will be caught up with the rest of us. So keep your chin up and submit the paper, then we can eat a ton of ice cream.

Eddie made a good point, so putting her phone aside, Joy turned her focus towards her work.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long before her efforts were once again interrupted, this time by a knock on her door.

"Come in" shouted Joy.

"Hey Joy, do you have a second to talk?" asked Fabian as he poked his head around the door.

"Of course Fabes, I've always got time for you" laughed Joy, patting the open space on her bed as a silent invitation.

"Thanks" breathed Fabian, clearly relieved as he shut the door behind him and joined her on the mattress.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"Well, it's kinda complicated you see... and it has to do with you"

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