Amber XXI

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As happy as Amber was about her campaign going smoothly and it finally being the weekend, she couldn't help but worry about Nina. The girl had been in a foul mood all day, stomping around and snapping at her friends. Amber could not wait for the Jabian date to be over, as there would most likely not be a second date for the pairing.

Walking past Mara, Joy and Patricia's room Amber saw Joy whirling around like a hurricane trying on different outfits and throwing them aside when she didn't like them. Poor Joy, even Amber wasn't cold hearted enough to not pity the girl in this instance. The girl truly thought she was going on a date, not just an outing with a boy who didn't know how to say no. Turning away from that scene Amber headed into her own room.

Opening the door she found Nina curled up in a depressed ball on her bed. "Oh love" she crooned moving to sit on the bed. Carding her hand through Nina's hair she continued, "How are you holding up?".

The girl in question sniffled and sat up, "I saw Fabian outside the flower shop Amber!"

"Why were you even at the flower shop in the first place?". Her question caused the American girl to look down at her lap and avoid answering. "Come on Neens..."

"It's just that he never got me flowers last year or the beginning of this year, and I wanted to see if... I shouldn't even be this upset; our relationship clearly wasn't even that serious!".

"Nina you have every right to feel however you feel. Regardless of how serious or not your previous relationship was".

"We kissed at your end of term prom last May, and then we were here for another couple weeks where I guess we were exclusive, but we just never talked about it".

"Well that right there has always been the root of your problems"

"I know, we talked all summer, but I was in the states and working and he was here with his family. And I get it, I didn't come here so I can't blame him for not visiting, but it still really sucks to be on a different continent from the person your dating. I guess that's why Mickara broke up..."

Clearing her throat Amber tried to push aside the painful memories of Mick and Mara's betrayal and focused on the girl in front of her. "Well you two obviously video chatted and all," trailing off at the bashful look on Nina's face. "You didn't video chat?!?"

"We just wrote each other letters. It was supposed to be romantic, but really it just made me crazier when I got back. Having his old best friend in the picture, who is making active attempts to steal my 'boyfriend', well it was and still is really hard. Then when my Gran showed up, I was distracted by her visit and Joy took advantage of that. I guess it's just the fact that I don't know why he broke up with me that is bugging me and won't let me have closure".

"Wait he broke up with you? You said that it was mutual". Nina shot her the 'Really Amber' look.

"Of course we said that, I didn't want the humiliation of everyone knowing, and I don't want to bring it up with him for the same reason. Because he clearly has moved on, even if he lied about it a week ago".

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