Eddie & Joy LXX

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Summary: Eddie receives a frantic phone call and Joy loses her mind.

Evie's Notes: Happy Wednesday! I hope you all are having a wonderful week! Longer update today, let me know your favorite part in the comments!


Eddie woke up to his phone ringing, rolling over, he saw Joy's contact picture flashing on the screen. Had it been anyone but Joy or his mother, Eddie wouldn't have bothered picking up, but it was his little J, so he answered.

"What do you need, Joy? It's 6:30! I'm supposed to sleep for another half hour" he croaked.

"Eddie I did something really bad" came Joy's voice, whispered frantically through the speaker.

Eddie immediately shot up in his bed, scared for his friend. "Joy, where are you? Do you need bail money or help hiding a body?"

"Not that bad Eddison, calm down" she reassured. "I sent something really bad into the Jack Jackal website by accident, and they already posted it!".

"How do you submit something accidentally?"

"I wrote out my feelings and was super sleep deprived. It turns out that when I thought I was deleting it, I hit submit! How do I fix it?!"

"I dont know Joy" sighed Eddie. "What was it even about?".

The girl remained silent for a couple seconds before guiltily admitting "Nina".

"I need a shower and coffee before I can fix this" decided Eddie. "Grab some breakfast and stay away from any of Nina's group. We can come up with a damage control plan during our first period. ok?"

"Ok..." agreed Joy softly. "Thank you for helping me".

"Of course, Joy. I'll see you in school". What a way to start his Tuesday morning.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Sliding into his seat beside Joy in Calculus, Eddie read over the article she had printed out. It was very... frank. It was certainly all true, but it didn't paint his fellow American in the best light. "Well the only problem I can see here is how direct you were. It comes off as very personal"

"That's the only problem!? I destroyed her, all over a stupid boy! How could I be so dumb? I'm an awful person".

"Stop that right now, Joy Klariza Mercer! You are not a terrible person, you are a human who made a bad mistake, but we can fix this" soothed Eddie.

"How?" sniffled Joy.

"Well you arent the first one to post a scathing expose on the blog. Of course in those versions they were Polly Peacock or Terry T-Rex. This Jackal guy seems to agree with you, so they posted it as themselves. If you are found out as Jackal, everything else the person has written will be tied back to you".

"So what should I do?"

"I would recommend getting ahead of this and apoligizing to her directly. It will certainly suck, but you owe it to her. No one likes having all of their flaws exposed to the school. Hopefully she will be willing to listen to you and we can avoid having this spiral any more out of control".

"Ok, I can do that"

"You should also email Jack and ask them to take down the article as soon as possible".

"Oh! I already did that. As soon as I saw the article this morning I wrote to them. I haven't heard anything back yet, but I'm hoping they take it down soon".

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