Patricia LXXII

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Summary: Patricia and Joy have a heart to heart and the Sibuna Club comes up with a unique solution to their member shortage

Evie's Notes: Happy Thursday 🌸! I hope you are all having a wonderful week 💜! Longer chapter today, I hope you enjoy 😄!

Quick Note about next week✨: I have really been struggling lately and I probably won't have a strong wifi connection next week. So the next chapter will probably be delayed. Sorry!


To say that Nina was taking her gran's worsening health badly would be an undstatement, the girl was practically destroyed. Patricia's heart ached to see her friend, who had already suffered so much tragedy, deal with another possible loss. Nina though, in typical Nina fashion, was throwing herself completely into her Sibuna work to try and ignore her fear. While Patricia was happy that the girl's focus was directed on saving their lives from the evil pharaoh killer that was holding them all as slaves, she could clearly see the toll all of this was taking on the girl's mental and physical health, along with her grades.

Given the girl's fragile mental state, Patricia, Amber and Lili had taken it upon themselves to comfort her. The quartet were curled up in Nina and Amber's room as Nina explained her and Fabian's latest discovery in regard to her gran.

"I can't believe it," remarked Patricia. "The bloody timepiece that Senkhara keeps ranting about is actually Granny Martin?".

"She's been hexed, just like us," explained Nina. "But I don't understand how Senkhara even got to her. Hell, I don't even know how long she's been cursed for! She started getting sick when she was staying here in September!".

"Senkhara's one mean spirit lady" comforted Amber, hugging Nina tightly.

"We failed the constellation task, it's game over for all of us, because of me!" cried Nina.

"No Neens! It isn't your fault, we just ran out of time" protested Liliana.

Before Nina could fight with the blonde, she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in" called Lili.

Joy popped her head into the room "Hey..."

"Joy this is really not a good time" suggested Patricia, hopping to her feet to usher her best friend out of the room. Patricia had decided not to take sides on the whole Jack Jackal scandal, but Amber certainly had; the sooner Joy got out of the room, the better!

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to say sorry... for posting the article. The piece was just a word vomit of mine to try and let out some of my rage. It was never supposed to go public"

"It's fine, Joy" sighed Nina. "You were right, maybe I wasn't taking enough care of my grandmother".

"Nina, admit to nothing" snapped Amber. "Joy, if you have anything to say to any of us, you should have the courage to say it to our faces, not write it on a website pretending to be someone else. If anyone in here should be embarrassed, it's you".

"All right back off, Ambs" coached Patricia. "Let's get you back to our room, Joy".

As she led the slightly shaking girl away from Nina, Patricia heard Amber quip "Well that's just my opinion anyways" followed by Nina's happy laughter.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

With Nina in Amber and Lili's capable hands, Patricia took it upon herself to cheer up her tiny bestie. She texted Eddie that tonight would be a girls night and to steer clear, before gathering all of Joy's favorite junk foods from the kitchen.

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