Liliana II

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The next morning Lili woke up early and put on her new Frobisher academy uniform. She smiled at her reflection in the full-length mirror as she did little twirls loving the way the marron blazer complimented her hair which she had put up into a braided crown with green ribbons. Slipping on her heels she headed downstairs to the kitchen.

The silent house put Lili on edge as she walked down the hallway. Everyone else was still asleep. Looking up at the attic door Lili's mind flashed back to Jerome's phone call about Nina being locked up there on her first few nights. Walking down the stairs Lili took the time to admire the house and look for the various places Alfred had told her that the puzzle pieces had been hidden. Lili could not even imagine the fear her boys had to have experienced last year in their deadly treasure hunt. A mysterious cult with the end of killing these young students led by those they were supposed to trust. Jerome and Alfie had both changed after such a traumatic year. The three of them had spent the summer trying to figure out how they all fit together again. Lili had thought that the bond between the brothers in all, but blood had been stronger than ever at the end of the summer. Hopefully her presence will have a positive impact on their little family.

Reaching the kitchen Lili quickly got to work on their lunches. It was times like this that she was glad for learning to cook. As she was placing the lunches in the lunch boxes (ham and turkey sandwiches with lettuce and tomato, sliced veggies with hummus, fresh fruit and Greek yogurt as well as a homemade cookie), she heard the house begin to stir around her.

Closing the fridge door Lili jumped in surprise to see Vera on the other side looking disapprovingly down at her. "Why are you out of bed Miss Wells? We have a curfew at Anubis house".

"Of course, Ms. Devenish. I understand the importance of the 10 o'clock curfew. I'm afraid that I don't understand what that has to do with me making lunches." Lili continued to clean up as she waited for her response. From the large amount of sputtering that Vera was doing Lili assumed that she would need a while to form a coherent response to that.

Finally pulling herself together Vera responded saying "It means little girl that I am ALWAYS the first person up in this house. You are supposed to be in your room. ALSO, I make the meals for this household."

Wiping the last cutting board and putting it back in the drawer she turned face her new house mother. "I understand that you have a system, but the mark of a good house mother is being adaptable and willing to work with the needs of the students. I am not causing any problems by making lunches for a Jerome, Poppy, myself and Alfie, am I? The boys also told me that their old house mate Mick would wake earlier than this to go run. In all honesty everyone really should be awake by now. I respect your authority and thank you for your willingness to do your job but cooking and the like is a passion of mine so I will kindly thank you to allow me to pursue it." Brushing her hands off against her apron she put on a big smile, "Now I do believe that it is time to start breakfast. Would you care for some help?". Lili internally sighed in defeat when Vera simply glared and stiffly refused her offer to help. Lili choose to head into the parlor instead to work on her English assignment after hanging up her apron.

She was so wrapped up in her assignment that she was not aware of the group of Anubis house residents sitting on the couch across from her trying to figure her out. A cleared throat brought Lili out of the tales of dashing knights, dangerous trials and hidden treasure and back into the real world. Looking up she saw Mara, Patricia, Joy and Eddie watching her. "Can I help you?" she asked feeling a bit like this was an interrogation.

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