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Summary: Joy and Eddie bond, and the Anubis kids finally find out who their Secret Santas were.

Evie's Notes: Hey Y'all! So since it is my birthday and I finished this chapter early, I thought I would post it as a gift for y'all. I hope you enjoy the new chapter!


Joy was so excited for that night's Secret Santa and holiday party that she couldn't sit still all day. Of all the traditions that she had missed while in captivity, the winter holiday party was the one she missed the most. Eddie shot her a smirk as he noticed her bouncing in her seat. Rolling her eyes at him she turned her attention back to the clock, only five more minutes and it would finally be the weekend. Joy looked up as a note landed on her desk, opening it she saw it was from Eddie.

'Do you want to grab a coffee after this?'

Smiling happily Joy scrawled a happy 'yes please!' and a smiley face before chucking it back at the blonde rocker. The pair had become fast friends over the past week, while it definitely helped that he was head over heels for her best friend, they had bonded in other ways too! Especially over their mutual love of music. Eddie had apparently been a part of a garage band back in New York; while Joy had been in the school choir before she was kidnapped.

The bell ringing had Joy bouncing to her feet in excitement.

"Ready to go little J?" chuckled Eddie.

"Yup!" chirped Joy.

"Where are you two off to?" wrote Patricia on her ever-present notepad.

"We were gonna head over to Marita's for a cup of coffee Pep. You want to come with?"

The goth girl shook her head with a smile, motioning towards Alfie, Jerome and Lili.

"Oh, well have fun Yacker!" charmed Eddie pressing a quick kiss to the girl's cheek before ushering Joy out the door.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Accepting her cup from Eddie, Joy curled up on her favorite couch in Marita's. The little café was one of the town's hidden gems. Marita, the owner was a sweet old lady who had basically adopted Joy, Fabian and Patricia back in their first year at Frobisher Academy.

"This place is great Joy!"

"Thanks. Fabes, Peppermint and I always used to hang here after classes... unfortunately it's just been me here since I got back".

"Well you've got me here now" comforted Eddie bumping his shoulder against hers.

"And I'm glad for that. Are you excited for the Secret Santa exchange tonight?"

"Oh yeah! This'll be my first British Christmas"

"I was going to ask you about that... is there a reason you aren't going home for the break?" asked Joy.

"My mom's work schedule is so convoluted that if I went home for the whole break, I would have only been able to see her for the three days that she is flying out for anyways".

"Huh... do you and your mom have a good relationship?"

"Definitely" revealed Eddie. "I adore my mom. She has always gone above and beyond for me, even though I wasn't an easy kid".

"You must miss her a lot" sympathized Joy.

"Yeah, but as much as I love her, I'm used to being away at school. I have been bouncing between various boarding schools since I was little".

"Same here. What was your favorite school?"

"Probably my last school, St. Vincent's, in New York. I'm still close with my old friends there".

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