Patricia XLVII

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Summary: Patrica and Piper make a plan, the Anubis residents ring in the new year with Truth or Dare.

Evie's notes: Thank you so much for all of the love and support you have given this story! Hope you enjoy the new chapter!


"What the fuck did you do this time Piper?" snapped Patricia.

"Why do you think I did anything Trich?" asked Piper offendedly.

"Uh, because we're twins. I know you better than you know yourself" scoffed Patricia. "You only come to me when you need me to cover for you. So I'm going to ask again, what did you do?".

Piper winced knowing that Patricia's analysis was right, "I ditched a trip to Europe" she admitted guiltily. "The school thinks I went home ill. Mum and Dad think that I'm in Milan for Music Week".

"What why? You love Milan" protested Joy. "And the music week competition is your favorite performance of the year. You always send Pep and I tons of pictures from your trip?".

"Milan is great... It's my school that is the problem".

"Oh?" spat Patricia. "The special music academy for special music geniuses? Yeah, that must be soooo rough".

"Pep!" shouted Joy scandalized.

"What are you doing here anyway? You could have gone anywhere you wanted; did you just want to come laugh at the school for muggles?"

"That's enough Patricia. Knock it off!" snapped Joy.

"Actually, I missed you Trich" revealed Piper scuffing her shoe against the hardwood floor.

"Look Piper, this is super touching and it's always great to see you, but how are we going to hide you from Victor? Did you really expect to be able to pull this off?" worried Joy.

"One of the many plus sides to being an identical twin is that as long as no one sees us together, no one will know. I can just hide in here until I figure my shit out" explained Piper.

"Piper" sighed Patricia.

"Patricia, please! Don't call mum and dad yet. I just need a little time to figure out my next steps.

This was clearly going to end in disaster, but Patricia still found herself saying, "Okay fine. We need to keep this a secret, just between the three of us though. The more people who find out, the more likely it is that Victor will too, and then we're toast. Agreed?".

"Agreed!" smiled Piper happily.

"Oooh! This is going to be so much fun!" squealed Joy. "You can stay in Mara's bed till she comes back, we'll have to regroup then if you are still here".

A sudden knocking on the door broke Patricia and Piper's staring contest. "Hey Yacker, Little J. You two ready to go yet?" called Eddie, "I'm starving!".

"Just a sec slimeball! Joy has to find her new gloves. We'll meet you down by the doors".

"Ok, don't take too long though, Jerry and Alfie are going to eat all the food if we don't get their soon" he called back before loudly stomping back down the stairs.

"Alright we don't have long till he comes back up here" announced Joy bouncing off the bed to quickly change into warmer clothes.

"Piper, we are headed into town to get dinner with the rest of the house. We'll probably be back in a couple hours. Do you think you are going to need anything while we are gone?"

"I ate before I showed up, so I should be fine till you two get back".

"K, if you need to leave the room just pretend to be me".

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