Jerome XV

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Jerome wondered how this had become his life. He had hidden in the student lounge for most of the morning as it allowed for a clear line of site to the headmaster's door. Making another note on his notepad Jerome jotted down that Sweetie had been away from his office for three minutes and fifty seconds this time. Every time Mr. Sweet left his office the doors were soundly locked. This wasn't really an issue since Liliana could pick locks, but there was never a clear enough window of time for them to get in and ransack the office in search of the gem.

"Hey bro. How's the stakeout going?" Alfie's voice caught Jerome off guard.

"Not good Alfie, not good at all. I've been watching Sweetie all morning. Did you know that he leaves his office, on average, three times an hour?".

"I did not know that".

"He's gone for approximately four minutes, forty-two seconds. And do you further not know that he leaves his office unlocked, on average, NONE of those times".

"Wow, you're really rocking those stats" commented Liliana as she sat down across from them.

"I mean, what does he think is going to happen if he leaves his office unlocked for four minutes?".

"Dudes like us will come in and take stuff" guessed Alfie while Lili nodded in agreement.

"True, that is why we have to think up a wild goose chase to get Sweet out and us in". The trio sat there for a few minutes eating their lunch and thinking of ideas for possible wild goose chases.

"What about setting off the alarm in the science lab?" suggested Lili.

"No that would evacuate the whole school and the teachers would be taking attendance" rebuffed Alfie. "Roe and I pulled that trick in year 9".

"What about sending him over to the house to talk to Victor?"

"No Roe, I think they are fighting at the moment. Since Sweet seems to be over the whole Society thing".

"Wait... Wild goose chase? Wild goose chase... I've got it covered!"


"What is it?"

"Don't worry about it, I will arrange everything. Just sit back and prepare to be amazed. It should be all set up for you to get in there tomorrow at lunch".

"Good amazed or bad amazed?" Jerome couldn't help but ask.

"Eh... amazed-amazed" Alfie returned. Which really did nothing to settle Jerome's fears. The boy took off out of the lounge before Jerome could say anything else. Sitting back in his seat he resigned himself to this course of action. Whatever Alfie came up with tomorrow should be better than breaking and entering in the middle of the night with a grumpy Liliana.

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