Amber XLII

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Summary: We check back in with our favorite blonde as Amber struggles with midterms and family issues. Election drama is resolved, and the holidays begin.

Evie's Notes 1: The bold text in this chapter is a phone call. I hope you enjoy the new chapter!


Lacing up her skates, Amber pushed off onto the ice and began her routine. As she skated, she tried to release all of her stress and focus purely on the task at hand. Midterms were always one of the most stressful times of year for the Frobisher Academy students. This year had been especially difficult between classes, the election, Sibuna, going into business with Lili and her own family commitments.

Taking a sharp turn Amber launched herself into a triple spin and then dropped into her cantilever. As she skated along, her head inches from the ice, she reflected on the call she had received from her father last night.


Amber sat on Alfie's bed quizzing Patricia with her Chemistry notes. "Describe a heterogeneous mixture?"

"Is it a mixture where the composition isn't entirely uniform?" wrote Patricia

"Yup! Good job Trix!"

"Thanks Ambs, I'm still super nervous for Sweetie's exam tomorrow"

"Oh come on Yacker. You've been studying like crazy for the past couple weeks. I have complete faith that you are going to rock all of your exams" comforted Eddie. The American boy had set up shop in front of Jerome's closet with his laptop. Ms. Valentine had assigned a take home essay as her midterm, and Eddie was rushing to finish it.

Amber wasn't quite sure when it had happened, but Eddie and Joy had become something of a package deal these days. So Sibuna (plus Eddie and Joy) had set up in the boy's rooms to study after celebrating the first night of Hanukkah with Nina. The group had invited Mara to join their study session, but she already had plans to talk with Mick. A loud ringing cut through the air and Nina popped her head out of the blanket fort she, Fabian, Joy and Jerome had built. The group had decided to put their phones in the fort to avoid distractions while studying. The only exception was when a parent called.

"Ambs! It's your dad" she called throwing the phone across the room.

Catching the phone, Amber quickly excused herself and ducked into the empty kitchen to answer the call.

"Hi Daddy!" she chirped excitedly. "Are you calling to wish me good luck on my midterms? I've been studying really hard and working with Miss James to ensure that I get the accommodations I need. She's been super helpful in coming up with tricks to help with my dyslexia".

"That's great princess"

"I'm so excited to see you! It sucks that I won't be able to come home for break but at least you are coming to visit for a couple days between trips".

"About that princess... I actually am not able to make it this year".

"What" breathed Amber as her heart plummeted.

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