Liliana XIV

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It was just Wednesday, and Liliana was already exhausted. She was sure that staying up late and creeping around an old library in the middle of the night wasn't good for a person, but apparently such practices were quite common for the Anubis House Sibuna club. She would have been fine, Lili reflected, if she hadn't had a whirlwind weekend as well. She was thrilled to participate in her first Anubis house game night, but between her homework, girl's night, and her online shop orders she was running low on energy.

There was plenty of good which came out of her sleepless weekend though. She had been able to hang out with Nina and Amber on Saturday and really get to know them better. One of the things she had learned was that Ambs would make a wonderful school representative, the girl had spent a significant part of Saturday night outlining the policies that she would want to put in place. Lili had tried to find out if she would really be interested in the position if it were to open up. Amber was totally on board, but apparently Mrs. Andrews had decided to keep Mara in the position and refused to hold new elections. Amber revealed that she had planned on running again this year and actually revealing her programs in her campaign speech instead of just relying on her popularity as a way to get back at Mick and Mara for hurting her, which had been her strategy the previous year. One of the main issues with Mara being elected is that she saw her win as just another check on her resume. All of the reforms she had suggested in her election speech had been swept under the carpet.

The blame for her inaction though could not be solely placed with Mara. The teachers had apparently created the role as a distraction for the Sibunas last year. Regardless, the role could be an important one if used correctly and Lili really wanted to see what Amber could accomplish if elected. It was this thought process which had brought Lili to where she was now, standing outside of Mrs. Andrew's classroom.

Knocking on the door Lili tried to get the professor's attention, "Mrs. Andrews do you have a minute?"

"Come in Liliana!" called the greying lady. "I was just cleaning up. Give me a hand and we can discuss whatever it is you want".

Accepting the eraser, Lili got to work cleaning the whiteboard. "I was coming to discuss the Student Representative position Mrs. Andrews".

"Oh? What about it?"

"I was wondering when the elections would be held this year. I know several people who would be interested in the role".

"Is that so, well I hadn't planned to hold them this year since Mara is doing such a wonderful job!"

"Yes, but wouldn't it look great for Mara's transcript if she was reelected this year?"

"Well yes..."

"And it would be a great Journalism exercise for someone to follow the campaign. Why it could be a section of our newspaper each week!"

"That would be great. I will have to think about it Miss Wells, but thank you for bringing this to my attention".

"Of course Mrs. Andrews! And I do hope that you will consider me to cover the election proceedings when the time comes. Have a great afternoon!".

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