Liliana LXXXXI

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Summary: Mission Impossible: Murder Barn Edition

Evie's Notes: Happy Saturday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜. I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this new update🌺.


The speed that her stomach was twisting and turning made it so that Lili could barely eat her breakfast. She was so nervous about their rescue mission. Poor Roe had been unknowingly abandoned in the hands of that mad man for days on end. Who knows what states the crew were going to find him in... Rufus was unpredictable and had proven before that he was not above torture or murder.

"Are we all ready to launch Operation 'Save Jerome'?" checked Alfie as he took his seat at the breakfast table.

"As ready as we will ever be" sighed Lili.

"I was thinking," began Fabian. "You and Amber should take Joy with you today... it will be easier to search the place without raising suspicion if you have another pair of eyes on the ground".

Lili watched as Amber and Nina had a fast and silent conversation on the topic. Despite the pissed off look on Amber's face, Nina gave in. "You're right Fabian, we could benefit from an extra set of eyes. We'll let her know she's in".

The arrival of Eddie shut down any last minute discussion of that morning's rescue mission.

"How was your Gran yesterday, Nina?" asked Lili, casting about for a topic she knew Nina could ramble on about for hours and was Sibuna free.

"The same, but I'm hoping for a full recovery very soon. Well, that is if we can give her what she needs".

"Which we will" swore Fabian.

Lili could see that this boy would do anything, even travel to the ends of the earth to make the American girl happy.

"A little optimistic maybe?" whispered Eddie. "I mean she's in a coma, right?". The boy had clearly not meant for his comment to be heard, but in the silence of everyone cooing over 'Fabina' it rang uncomfortably loud through the room.

Lili joined Amber in shooting the boy incredibly disapointed looks. An accurate observation or not, not all comments needed to be shared.

"Eddie," hissed Patricia, as she stomped on the boy's foot.

To be fair, he did quickly apoligize, but still he really needed to learn how to think before he spoke. Seeing Nina's signal, the group of six fled the room to gather their rescue attempt materials, Eddie would just have to entertain himself.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Lili hadn't gotten to go to Rufus' murder barn last time when the Sibunas rescued Trudy. The actual building was much more horrifying than the group's descriptions had made it out to be. The group had decided to hide the car where they had last time and walk the half-mile to the barn. The walk didn't take long, and in no time the group of four was crouching behind some rubble to scope out the place.

"That must be Rufus' car" announced Patricia.

"Which means that he's still inside" groaned Fabian.

"Well we outnumber Rufus four to one," proposed Alfie. "So when I give the signal, attack!"

The attack plan could certinly work, Lili just wished that they had Amber with them to reign some righteous Jujitsu rage down on the villian.

"NO!" disagreed Fabian. "Let's stake out the place first, see if he leaves. If he does, we try to break in and see if Jerome is in there".

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