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Summary: Alfie curses his life choices

Evie's Notes: Happy Saturday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜. I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this new update🌺.

Note: This is the first of two updates for today 💕


If anyone had asked Alfie how he saw himself spending the week before the GCSEs a few months ago, he would probably have answered with, playing pranks or hanging with his gorgeous girlfriend. Instead he now found himself trapped underneath the academy with his best friend and their cult leader. So yeah... it was moments like these that Alfie seriously started to reconsider his life choices.

"Ugh! I am so sick of this fucking room" ranted Nina, chucking a stray piece of rubble against the wall.

"Hey! Watch where you are throwing things" protested Lili, wrapping her arms protectively around the tower of rubble she was building in a mockery of a sand castle.

"There is literally nothing to do down here, but deal with vague fucking ghosts and their slightly threatening but extremely confusing life advice".

"Come on Neens, talking to unhelpful ghosts isn't all that unusual for you" joked Alfie.

"Be that as it may, Victor Sr. has to be one of the most frustrating of them all" bitched the girl.

"Is he still refusing to tell you anymore about this strange Osirian business?" asked Lili, having resumed construction on the south wall of her rock castle.

"He claims that he doesn't know anymore, but honestly I think he's just scared of Senkhara" revealed Nina.

"Which is totally fair by the way" argued Alfie. "I mean we are all bloody terrified of that woman".

"Be that as it may, he's dead so what real damage could she do to him?" argued Nina.

"Well she already has those wicked cool magic ghost powers, I wouldn't be surprised if she could ghost torture him too" posited Lili.

"But what good will I be as a Chosen One, if I can't even find my Osirian. Plus Victor Sr said that the last Osirian was Rufus, and he certainly won't pull a Sarah and help my Osirian figure this all out. The man is probably still living in denial of the role passing onto the next generation".

"True" agreed Alfie. "I guess you just have got to keep pushing for now, no one can hold out against your nagging forever".

Nina stuck her tongue out at Alfie, which he returned in kind. The pair would have likely continued snarking at each other had not Amber's lovely voice drifted down from the vent.

"Good Morning, or well Afternoon now really, everyone!"

"Hi Amber" called up Lili

"I'm tossing down some more food, you would not believe the looks Mara and Eddie were giving me for taking all of this" laughed Amber.

"Well thank you for thinking about us, Amby," replied Alfie greatfeully.

"I also packed you some of Vera's Spaghetti Carbanora"

"Amby you give the best presents" cheered Alfie, happily pulling the containers through the bars.

"Well leftover Spaghetti Carbanora isn't the normal type of gift I would give, yet you don't give normal gifts either," she teased. "You bought me a cactus after all!"

"What was I thinking?" laughed Alfie, passing over some of the Spaghetti to the girls.

"No one had ever given me a cactus before! And there is a good reason for that, but still it was sweet".

"Sweet. Well that's one word for it" cackled Nina, quietly under her breath.

"You know..." stated Amber hesitantly, "Well all of this has made me realize... I think we should give Amfie another go".

Alfie's jaw dropped. Of all the ways he had dreamed of them getting back together, this was the furthest from his mind. He knew that he had hurt her during his flirtation with Piper, and the fact that she was willing to give him another chance... well he was in awe of her.

Looking to the other two gals in the room he sought their advice on how to delicately handle this. He loved the girl far up above him, but he honestly did not feel like he was worthy of her love... at least not yet.

"Oh No! I'm staying out of this!" Nina protested and Lili just laughed.

"Alfie? Did you hear what I just said?" called down Amber.

"Uh... Can I... Can I think about it?!" stuttered Alfie. He desperately did not want to hurt her again, but at the same time this was the kind of conversation that needed to happen face to face with several large and showy, over the top, romantic gestures done by him.

"Think about it ? Think about it! Think about what? What is there to think about?!" snapped Amber, getting progressively louder.

Before Alfie could try and calm down the hurt blonde, she declared she had to get back to class and loudly closed up the grate. Alfie sunk back against the wall in defeat.

"That sucks hon..." commiserated Lili, patting his arm lightly. "Do you want a strawberry?".


Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know what you want to see more of in the comments!

Next Update: Eddie gets frustrated with all the whispering and has a terrifying nightly encounter.

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie🌺

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