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Trigger Warning: There is slight torture in this chapter so if you want to skip that do not read the section when Senkhara is in Nina's room.

Nina's frustration with the group's cursed status was rapidly rising. Walking with Amber to their music lesson, Nina took the time to recap their progress, or lack of progress. "We have three hooks, and one spider shaped hole thingy... And no idea on where to find any of the items".

"I had hoped this task would be about mermaids or baking" joked Amber as she bumped her hip against Nina's.

Entering the main stretch of the school hallway the pair encountered Jerome's little sister. "Hey Poppy!" called Amber giving the younger girl a wide grin and wave.

"Hey Ambs, Nina!" greeted Poppy.

"WHOA! Stop right there! What's that?" interrogated Amber. Nina was confused as to what Amber had noticed but quickly spotted a familiar necklace laying around the girl's throat.

"Oh! Uh, it's nothing" Poppy stammered. Growing suddenly defensive the girl tucked it into her shirt, "It's mine ok. My... brother gave it to me" with that she turned and booked it down the hallway and out of sight.

"Jerome!" Nina growled "That lying, scheming, twisted..."

"Whoa Neens! Maybe Poppy was mistaken!"

"Mistaken my a-"

"Nina Martin! Give the boy the benefit of the doubt! He is a Sibuna for crying out loud. He wouldn't risk Alfie and Lili just to screw us over. Let's at least go speak to him before you plot his murder".

"Fine" Nina relented. Stupid Amber and her faith in humanity. The girl always looked for the best in people, well at least until they burned her then they were screwed. Checking the clock Nina reasoned that they wouldn't be able to hunt down Jerome now so it would have to wait till after classes. But when the final bell rang Jerome Clarke had best watch out because there is nothing that would stand in the way of Nina saving her friends.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Nina was the first out of the history classroom as soon as the bell rang. Flying down the hallways Nina booked it to Jerome and Alfie's lockers as fast as her feet could carry her. Snagging the tall boy Nina dragged him over to the filling station.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed. "Have you two started a strange girls acting strangely club?" Jerome questioned looking between her and Amber, "because right now it is going very well".

"Poppy is wearing a necklace around her neck" exclaimed Amber as Nina stared him down.

"Seems logical Amber" he returned, "That is where you wear them. Continue..."

"It's ours" snapped Nina. "She said that you gave it to her"

"Yes I did" he admitted. "What of it?". Oh Nina knew it! That backstabbing son of a b-.

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