Eddie & Nina XLIV

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Evie's Notes: I am so sorry this is so late and short! My IIH has been flaring up badly and I have barely been able to do the basic requirements of being human, much less being able to write. But I have a lovely chapter for you today. Lots of Peddie and Ms. Miller makes her first appearance. I hope you enjoy the new chapter!

Trigger warning: slight torture at the end of the chapter. If you want to skip it, stop reading when Nina listens to the Song of Hathor


Eddie's POV:

Eddie was so nervous. In thirty minutes the whirlwind that was Theresa Eloise Miller would be descending upon Anubis House. Of course he was always thrilled when he got the rare chance to see his mother, but he was terrified to introduce his new friends to her. His mom was known to be... opinionated.

Eddie startled as he felt tapping on his shoulder. Turning around he found his gorgeous, strong, brilliant girlfriend. "What's up Yacker?".

"Does your mom understand sign language? My text-to-speech app broke and I'd prefer not to have to write everything out" signed Patricia.

"Oh yeah! She had to learn it to interact with some of her patients at the hospital. She was actually the one who taught me. So don't worry, she'll be able to keep up".

"That's great" signed Patricia looking visibly relieved.

"Is he still freaking out about his mom coming?" asked Joy bouncing into the room.

"Of course he is" signed Patricia with an eye roll.

"Eddie you need to chill out. Your mom is going to love us"

"I know, it's just that she can be very... blunt"

"Eddie. I've been best friends with Pep for years, plus I'm totally loveable" Joy teased. "Everything is going to go fine! Why don't we play a game to take your mind off of all of this?"

The trio were soon wrapped up in a competitive game of Mario Cart, Eddie was so distracted that he didn't even notice how fast the time was passing until there was a knock on the door. Vera, being the closest, hurried to open it.

"Well hello! You must be Ms. Miller. I'm Vera Devenish, Eddison's house mother. Please come in".

"Thank you. It's wonderful to meet you Vera, thank you for looking after my Eddie".

"Of course, I believe the children are in the sitting room, which is right through here".

As his mother appeared in the doorway, Eddie's vision tunneled and all he could perceive was her. Rushing across the room Eddie couldn't bring himself to be embarrassed for clinging to her in front of Joy and Patricia who were both likely to never let this go. He had just missed her so much!

"Whoa Eddie! You almost knocked me over" laughed his mother.

"Sorry, I just missed you!"

"I missed you too honey!" she whispered squeezing him tightly.

"How was your flight?"

"It was fine, but long. I hate having to fly out of D.C., but I was set to leave as soon as my shift was over at the hospital. Luckily, I was so exhausted that I passed out as soon as we took off. I slept the full 8 hours only waking up as we were preparing to touch down".

"Well I am glad you are finally here! Even if it is just for a short time..."

"I know baby. I wish I could get away from the hospital more often, but it just isn't possible".

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