Amber LX

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Summary: Amber gets back on the ice, the Sibuna Club decodes a new reflector, and Amber is sick of her friend's romantic mishaps.

Evie's Notes: Happy Wednesday! I hope you all are having a wonderful week! New update today, let me know your favorite part in the comments!


Amber flexed her hands nervously as she sat in the passenger seat of Alfie's car watching the familiar landscape fly by as he drove them to the rink in West Bradford. Today would be the first day that she would be back on the ice after her accident. Amber jumped a little as Alfie reached over with his free hand to grab hers.

"Hey, I know you are nervous but everything is going to be ok. We are going to take it slow today and we can leave at any point alright?"

"Yeah... I know. It's just a lot to take in".

As they pulled up to the rink, Alfie put the car in park before turning to look at her.

"I've got your back, Amby. I know that we're in a weird place at the moment, but I will always be there to support you".

"I know. And even though I am mad as hell at you, I'm happy that you are here with me" acknowledged Amber. She took a deep breath before opening her door and stepping out into the carpark.

Alfie grabbed her sports bag from the boot and took her hand leading her to the doors of the rink.

Amber's hands shook as she turned the key in the lock, but she quickly pushed back her nerves and powered through. The pair made their way over to the benches by the ice, dropped their winter coats and laced up their skates.

Alfie connected his phone to Amber's wireless speaker and hit play on their workout playlist before pushing out onto the ice.

"Let's start simple, Amby. We'll do a lap with you holding onto me and then you can do one on your own".

"Fine, but I'm not an invalid A" snapped Amber as she carefully stepped onto the ice.

"I know that, but you are still hurt so we need to ease you back into this".

"Yeah... yeah. All the same I'm not a china doll" reminded Amber as she accepted his hand.

"Oh Amby, no one would ever accuse you of that. You are made of mithril, my darling girl" laughed the boy as he twirled her on the ice.

"LOTR reference, A?" teased Amber.

"You know you love those movies, Amby"

"Ehhh, the books are better" giggled Amber as the pair made their way around the rink to the sounds of "Walk Me Home" by Pink.

The pair spent about an hour skating around the rink, getting Amber used to being back on the ice. All too soon, Alfie's alarm went off signaling that the pair needed to get off the ice and head back to Anubis House for Sunday brunch with the others.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Unfortunately, the Sibunas didn't have any luck locating any new reflectors, so it was only as Nina, Fabian and Amber were getting their bags for school on Monday that they thought to check the dollhouse again. To their surprise, they found the figurines in the same spot as before.

"The figurines are still in the entrance hall" remarked Fabian.

"Okay... but the riddle doll definitely isn't there" said Nina. "So that must mean..."

"That it's pointing to something else" finished Fabian.

"But what?" asked Amber.

Fabian pulled out his phone and the trio looked at the zodiac for their next clue.

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