Patricia XXXVII

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The winter holidays were one of the key times when Patricia was thrilled to go to boarding school. Frobisher-Smythe Academy didn't force their students to return home between semesters, so Patricia was free to stay far away from the crazy that is the Williamson Clan. Like many of the Anubis House boarders, Patricia's relationship with her parents was difficult at the best of times and damn near explosive at the worst. Holidays always brought out the most insane parts of Patricia's family, as her parents tried to show all of their friends how 'perfect' their family was. The few texts she had received from Piper only confirmed Patricia's fears that if she went home, she would only be spending the break alone as the rest of her family party hopped and showed off the "perfect twin". Given Senkhara and her cursed status it wasn't likely that she would have even been able to go home even if she had wanted too.

Patricia knew that the other Sibunas would be staying for the week-long break as well. Nina was obviously staying because of her gran's hospitalization, Amber's father as busy with his newest fiancé. Alfie and Jerome would be staying at Anubis since Poppy and Liliana were now back in England, and of course with Fabian the less said about his parents the better.

Eddie and Joy were also planning to stay at Anubis for the holidays. Joy's relationship with her father was horrendously strained after he held her captive for a whole year. Eddie mentioned that his mother was planning to visit for a couple days and he was planning to continue ignoring his father's existence. With Mara being the only student leaving for break, Anubis House would be bursting with holiday cheer all week long.

Of course the festivities would unofficially kick off with the Anubis Christmas/Holiday party on Friday. Joy had thrown herself to planning the party, ensuring that it was one the residents would not soon forget. Patricia had been thrilled to draw Alfie in the Secret Santa exchange. She had purchased a set of magic tricks for the prankster and a beautiful sketchbook, similar to her own, for him to keep his drawings in. The boy had a true talent which Patricia hoped to encourage with her gift.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

After classes ended on Tuesday, Patricia trudged back to the house in hopes of getting most of her homework done before the Sibuna meeting that night. Once in her room, Patricia put on her headphones, dived into her chemistry homework and tried to ignore the bustling of Joy and Mara as they changed out of their uniforms before heading off to their afterschool activities. Joy was headed into town with Liliana and Josie, while Mara had plans to hang out with Jerome.

About an hour later Patricia was pulled away from her work as the bed shifted. Looking up Patricia saw Eddie settling down across from her with a serious face taking her hands in his.

"Look Patricia, I really don't want to give you an ultimatum, but I can't keep going on like this. So this is going to be my last attempt" revealed a brutally honest Eddie, but he squeezed her hands gently.

Patricia nodded to show that she was paying attention. She had a pretty good idea what conversation he wanted to have. She just had to figure out how she was going to respond.

"I hate that there is this weird distance between us now. I don't know what I need to do to fix this. I've apologized for not telling you about the secret".

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