Patricia XXIX

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As she raced through the hallways Patricia asked herself why she was even doing this. It wasn't like she could do anything to dissuade Mr. Sweet's anger. Freezing by the computer lab Patricia heard the headmaster's furious tone. "Have you any idea how much damage your little online stunt today has done to undermine my authority".

Peeking around the corner Patricia could see the previously closed off Eddie perk up after seeing her. "What authority is that Eric?" he sassed.

"As soon as this hearing is over, I want to see you in my office. Do I make myself understood?" Mr. Sweet yelled.

Oh No! Patricia tried to signal for him to knock it off, but he clearly didn't get the message. "Loud and clear cowboy!" he taunted as the teacher stormed out of the room.

"Who's the teacher's pet now Yacker?" Eddie asked smugly.

Oh she could just strangle him! And clearly, he was picking up on her negative vibes judging by the way his face fell. How could he not realize how bad this was!

"How could you possibly think that was a good idea!"

"What?! We are in this together Yacker" He replied upset.

"Sweet was already worked up over Mara bringing scandal to his precious school. You normally would have been able to get away with this but he's totally going to expel you now. SO what are you going to do?!?" how could Eddie have been so dumb?


"Come on weasel! What are we going to do about this? Do you have any dirt on him? I have some, but I was hoping to save the majority of my threats for something bigger. Not that you getting expelled isn't big and all, but his participation in the local cult is kinda big and threatening to go live with the story can only really be used once. Maybe we can just use my kidnapping and how he refused to try and save me...".

"You got KIDNAPPED!?!"

"Yeah, last fall. It totally sucked and all, but it wasn't the worst thing that happened last year. But we aren't talking about me..."

"We aren't? And if not can we, because I have quite a few questions!"

"No Weasel" she replied lightly cuffing him. "You just riled Sweetie up worse than ever and now he is heading back to Mara's sentencing. After he suspends her, he's coming after you, so you had better come up with a plan or else you'll be on the next plane back to New York!".

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I think I might have something that should work".

"Great! He's probably cooled down as much as he's going to and is on his way to sentence Mara. So we should get back in there slimeball". Grabbing his wrist Patricia dragged a worried Eddie behind her as she hurried back to the lounge where the trial was taking place.

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