Liliana XXXV

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Chapter warning: Liliana panics when discussing Edmund's unwanted advances. 


Liliana woke up with a start as Amber let out a terrified scream. "Amber what's wrong!"

"Mirror, Mirror, Mirror!!!"

"It was just a dream Ambs" assured Nina as she rushed over with a mirror. Amber grabbed it anxiously twisting her head from side to side checking for any flaws

"Ok, Breathe, Breathe... you're still young. Just breathe" Lili rubbed the girl's shoulders encouraging Amber to match her exaggerated breathing. Nina sat on the edge of the bed with tears brewing in her eyes.

"It felt so real" whispered the blonde as she placed her head on her knees in defeat. "I was so old. Like OLD-OLD! Nina, please tell me that it isn't going to get like that"

"I'm going to fix this. It won't get like that. I won't let it!"

"I can't grow old before I grow up" whispers Amber curling her body into Lili's waiting arms.

"Amber I promise you I will do everything in my power to get you all un-hexed as fast as possible" sensing that Amber wasn't in the mood to talk anymore that night Nina went back to her bed and Lili laid back down to try and catch a few more hours of sleep.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

The girls woke up late the next morning. Lili went back to her room to get dressed for the day deciding on a pair of gray leggings, a camisole and one of Jerome's large sweaters. Throwing her hair up in a messy bun Lili headed downstairs for brunch with the rest of her classmates.

"Morning Lilipop! How did you sleep?" asked Alfie as she settled down in her normal seat across from him.

"Oh fine... Amber had a nightmare though".

"Oh no! I'll check on her later then" whispered Alfie as Joy entered the room cutting off their conversation.

"Have you two seen Trixie? I woke up and she was gone".

"No, she probably snuck off to get some work done for her portfolio though. You know how stressed she can get about University applications..." suggested Alfie.

"I guess. She was being super quiet at the party last night" agreed Joy.

"Do you want any tea Joy?" offered Lili heading into the kitchen to look for her own raspberry lemon blend.

"That would be great! I'll take a cup of earl gray, thanks Liliana!"

Smiling Lili set a new kettle on the stove and let her mind drift off as she set up the mugs. She hummed happily thinking about the dress she was designing Joy as part of the girl's Secret Santa gift. Liliana was violently pulled out of her thoughts as a hand landed on her shoulder. The mug in her hand fell to the floor as she flinched away from the unwanted touch.

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