Amber XLVI

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Summary: Amber plots revenge and Sibuna gets a lead on the bel

Evie's Notes: Thank you so much for all of the love and support you have given this story! Hope you enjoy the new chapter!


Amber was not having a good day. Her aging curse seemed to have hit an all-time low and her body ached whenever she moved the slightest bit. The worst part of it all were the wrinkles marring her previously perfect skin. Amber would be the first to admit that she was focused on her image. In a world where things were constantly spinning out of her control, what she presented of herself was the one thing that she could control. To have that suddenly wrenched away from her was excruciating on both a physical and psychological level. She was obviously in no state to bitch slap the spirit who had done this to her at the moment, but Senkhara had best watch her back because as soon as Amber broke this curse she would be coming after the dead queen with all she's got.

Since the Sibunas had figured out that the ox bell, most likely stolen by Victor, was the instrument they were missing to play the Song of Hathor, Amber's research had shifted mostly to banishment and cleansing spells. She had just started to read a particularly interesting one from a Greek witch when little Alfie and a totally blind Liliana stumbled into the room.

"Alfie please slow down" begged the blind blonde as she was tugged along by the hyper little boy.

"Lili, Lili, look it's Amby! Amby's my favorite!"

"And you're my favorite A-dog" laughed Amber. "Why don't you play hide and go seek while Lili and I talk".

"Ok Amby!" chirped Alfie.

Jumping off of her lap Alfie ran towards the wardrobe while Amber counted "one, two, three..."

Once the boy was hidden Amber turned to Lili "What's up Lils?".

"Sorry for crashing in here like this. Alfie was running me ragged. It is hard to keep up with him on my own when I can't see anything. I thought that we would have a better chance of corralling him between the two of us, then on my own".

"That's fine Liliana. I was just working on some banishment sigils. You can chill on Nina's bed and listen to music if you want. Hopefully Nina and Fabian will find the bell soon and we will be free of our hexes".

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

"Amber, have you seen Lili and Alfie? Jerome is looking for them" asked Nina as she entered the room.

"They're in here Nina" Amber responded. She chucked a balled-up piece of paper at Lili to get her attention. "Alfie is hiding in the wardrobe".

"Come on out Alfie" coaxed Nina softly. The American girl let out a startled scream though when she opened the wardrobe.

"What? What happened?" asked Lili frantically.

"Alfie has shrunk again!" explained Nina pulling out an Alfie who now resembled a one-year-old. "How on earth are we supposed to take care of a baby!".

"Just leave him here with us" ordered Lili taking the baby from Nina. "You need to focus on finding the bell".

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