Jerome LXXI

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Summary: Joy deals with the fall out from being exposed as Jack Jackal while Jara goes to prison

Evie's Notes: Oh my gods y'all! We passed 1800 hits 🌺. Thank you to each and every one of you for giving this story so much love and support 💕. We are entering the final arcs of the scripted season 2 content. I plan to have this story cover the end of season 2 as well as the final month and a half of the school year.

Looking forward, the second work in the series will most likely cover the summer break, staring Fabina, Amfie, Peddie in America and so much more! I have started drafting it and am having a lot of fun. (Side note if anyone has any good sources on modern day Kemetic Orthodoxy / Kemeticism as a whole, I would appreciate it 🌸).

Today we get to take a peek into Jerome's mind, let me know your favorite part in the comments!


Being a Sibuna meant a lot of early mornings, and unfortunately Jerome was not much of a morning person. Nina had apparently decided that the best time for Sibuna shenanigans was before the rest of the house woke up, so Jerome once again found himself back in the dusty Tunnels of Doom with his fellow Sibunas. Nina's urgency actually made sense for once since they were working with a more tangible deadline than just the typical cursey spirit.

"It's way too early" groaned Alfie. "My head hasn't caught up with the rest of my body yet".

Upon entering the room, Nina shouted "Hurry everyone! The moon is almost over the sun".

The Sibuna club each scrambled to their places and set their reflector on a stand. Fabian's reflector picked up the beam of light first, shooting it towards Alfie. Alfie spun the glass shard from the attic to face Jerome's stand which held Victor's fob watch. The beam then bounced to Amber's mirror and on to Patricia's cup. The group held their breath as the light approached Nina, once the constellation was complete they would be able to get the mask!

Unfortunately just as the beam reached the American girl, the light shut off and the staff sunk into the ground. Each sibuna member scrambled to save their reflector as Lili let out a scream of rage. This was so unfair! What was the group supposed to do now?

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

After the disappointing start to their morning, the Sibuna Club still had to go to their classes. Mara had chattered excitedly the entire way over to school about the Jack Jacal website, she kept suggesting possible topics that they could submit to the new publication. Jerome was only half listening though, far too distracted by what he had to do that afternoon.

"So are you still planning on visiting your dad this afternoon?" asked Mara as the pair settled down in their seats for Literature.

"Only if you come too. I need back up, Jaffray" insisted Jerome, only half joking.

"Why?" laughed Mara.

"For when I tell him about the gem" he explained. "Because when I tell him I lost it, I think he is going to lose it".

"I know that he cares more about you than the gem" offered Mara.

"Yeah, right" scoffed Jerome. "Hi Dad, great news! You know that 30 years of bad luck you got for stealing the gem? Well, surprise, you're going to have to do the full stretch... I'm sure he'll be thrilled".

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Plus curses don't exist, so he has nothing to worry about" assured Mara.

"Whatever you say, Jaffray. But you are still coming with me, right?"

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