Liliana LIX

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Summary: The Sibuna Club finds a new reflector, Lili wages war on Alfie, and Jerome is a sketchball.

Evie's Notes: Hey y'all! I'm back and so is my content length. I had been hitting so many writers blocks these past couple weeks, but I finally have a longer chapter for you all again. As always let me know your favorite part in the comments!


The Sibunas hadn't been able to make any headway in their quest for more reflectors or in figuring out what was up with Jasper and Jerome, since they spent their night comforting Patricia. They really had to get moving on finding answers though, so it was decided that Fabian would visit Jasper during lunch, while Liliana hung out with Jerome.

Jerome was late for breakfast that morning, so Lili didn't really get a chance to speak to him until after her lunch break with Poppy and Alfie.

Entering the main hallway, Liliana spotted Jerome at his locker muttering darkly to someone on his phone. She reached him just in time to hear the end of his conversation.

"You will have it. Just trust me, Jasper. Okay, bye" muttered Jerome before shifting his face into a bright smile. "Lilipop! I thought you were having lunch with Poppy today?"

"Alfie and I both did. We hoped that you might have joined us as well..."

"I'm so sorry Lily Flower, but I had to handle some things for Jasper".

"I know... you've just been spending so much time at the library. I swear it seems like we never get to see each other unless it's for Sibuna stuff".

"Oh Lils, I didn't know you were feeling this way. I promise to try and be more present" assured Jerome, pressing a quick kiss to her hand.

Liliana was calculating the chances she might be able to convince him to cut class and go make out but was unfortunately interrupted by Fabian loudly clearing his throat.

"Hi Fabian. What's up?"

"Hi Lili. I was wondering if I could speak to Jerome alone for a minute..."

"I guess. I'll see you later Roe" sighed Liliana as she dejectedly made her way towards her next class.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Lili was ironing some of her latest creations in the laundry room when Amber burst into the kitchen. "Weren't the figurines in the dollhouse bedroom before?" shouted the beautiful blonde.

"Yeah," agreed Fabian, not taking his eyes off of his and Nina's cupcake tower. "Why do you ask? Have they moved again?"

"Yeah! They're in this part of the house now" explained Amber.

"Well maybe they moved when we hid it?" offered the boy.

"All the way down the little stairs and through the hallway?" scoffed Amber doubtfully.

"Do you think it's a reflector clue?" called Lili.

"Maybe..." agreed Nina.

"We got the wrong cup before so maybe it is a different cup we are looking for?" instructed Fabian as the trio began looking through cabinets.

Putting down her iron, Liliana helped the others in their search. The four students tore apart the kitchen searching frantically for the possible reflector.

"Ah ha!" cheered Amber "Found the goblet!" while waving a shiny gold cup.

"Does it have the falcon symbol on it?" asked Lili.

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