Patricia LXXIX

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Summary: Patricia's relationship problems worsen, Mara dishes out advice and someone else goes skydiving.

Evie's Notes: Happy Saturday! Unfortunately, I am going to have to change my posting schedule to every other week. Life is just very crazy right now, but please know that I am NOT giving up on this story. Tears of Gold and this whole universe I am crafting is probably my favorite thing to write so don't worry there is plenty more to come. I hope you all had a wonderful week and enjoy this new update🌺.


Patricia really just wanted Mara to shut the hell up.

"All I'm saying is that if you carry on treating him like that you could lose him" lectured the girl.

"Mara, that's just the way we talk to each other. Trust me. He likes it" scoffed Patricia.

"I saw his face remember... after you left the room".

"Why? What did it look like?"

"You know that face you pull when you are drinking coffee... and it's really tea... and it's cold... and there's no sugar in it?"

"Nope!" declared Patricia with an eyroll and pop.

"Well it was like that. All that banter stuff was okay as part of the chase, but you're a couple now. YOU NEED to start acting like it". With her final shot given, Mara turned on her heel and headed back the way they had come to Advanced Micro something or another.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Mara couldn't be right... right? Despite her best efforts to put the girl's words out of her head, Patricia had some doubts. Mara was the gal actually successfully dating someone.

It was probably better to play it safe than to lose Eddie this early... so sucking up her pride Patricia marched into liturature with a plan.

Spotting her boyfriend sitting in their normal seats chatting with Joy, Patricia slid into the spot he saved for her. Slipping her hand into his she squeezed it in greeting. "Hey"

"Hey?" Huh, Lili was right. Eddie really did look like a puppy when he was confused.

"I've been thinking, how do you feel about taking up a shared interest?" pitched Patricia. While she really didn't have time to introduce anything else into her schedule... especially with Nina being dea-. No! She wasn't dead and they WOULD get her back and kick RFS' ghostly arse at the same time.

"Uh... like what?"

"Like... jogging" she offered.

"You hate jogging," Eddie reminded her. And yeah, that was fair.

"Mmm, Ballroom?"

"Uhhh I remember your dancing," her boyfriend teased "and I would rather not lose another toenail".

Laughing, Patricia tried to come up with the most insane hobby she could come up with "How about noodling?"

Smirking smarmily, Eddie scooched his way towards her intoning deeply "Well I do like the sounds of that".

Bursting into happy laughter, Patricia revealed "It means fishing with your hands"

"Oh! Well absolutely not then... Are you feeling okay?".

His concern warmed her heart, but Patricia was a girl on a mission - she needed to be More Like Mara!

"Of course! I just think that we should do more things together. You know as a couple. A normal, happy, functional couple".

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