Liliana XIX

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Leaving the clearing after the meeting Liliana noted that they had about two or so hours until dinner. The library though would be closing in 30 minutes so they would be able to break in then. "Do you guys want to grab some coffee while we wait?" she asked the group.

"A Mocha Frappuccino sounds great!" cheered Amber swinging her and Alfie's joined hands.

"Cool! We can continue planning your school rep campaign while we wait for Jasper and Trudy to lock up!"

Having reached the little café the group quickly placed their orders and scanned their IDs to pay. Jerome and the others had left Liliana to grab their drinks as they had seen a group of 8th years leaving, and they wanted to snag the newly vacated seats.

It wasn't long before Lili's new favorite Barista, Heather, called their order number. Snagging their drinks and leaving a generous tip and smile for the frazzled barista Liliana went over to join her family on the cute café couches. Passing out the drinks Lili noticed that Jerome and Amber had spread out various notebooks and were busy assembling their plan of attack for this week. Alfie stared at the scene unfolding before him with a degree of horrified awe. Roe definitely had a gift for marketing and organization while Amber was a powerhouse in her own right. The two of them together, actually working for the same goal from the start, almost guaranteed success.

Sipping her own latte Lili read over some of the ideas they had already jotted down. Campaign rally, posters with slogans, smear campaign... wait what?!?

"Guys we are Not running a smear campaign against Mara and Tessa".

"Why not?" whined Jerome, "I already hired Alfie to begin collecting blackmail".

"Amber you ran a dirty campaign last year and look where that got you. You have great ideas and I think you would be great for the job; we just have to share your vision with the students".

"Besides, no one is going to vote for Mara again with the high horse she has been riding around on recently" added Alfie.

"You should focus on how you will take action on your issues and actually bring about change with your platform".

"You guys are right" Amber agreed. "I want people to elect me because I am the best option and they want to see change".

"Awesome now that we are all on the same page let's start drafting your speech for the debate" Jerome declared. With that settled the group spent the next half-hour or so working on the campaign before they called it quits and headed for the library.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Kneeling in front of the door Liliana got to work picking the lock. Last time they had broken in Jerome had stolen the key and it had been under the cover of night. Now in fading sunlight of a late November evening, the group was understandably feeling a bit antsy.

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