Liliana LXXVII

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Summary: The Sibuna Club break into a library and Nina goes skydiving. (Thank you Tess for the hilarious way of putting this 😂).

Evie's Notes: Happy Sunday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I hope you all enjoy this new update🌺.

Chapter Warning: Just a heads up Nina's ED is hinted at again in this chapter, so if you want to skip over the first couple lines of their hospital recap, please do so. Take care of yourself lovelies!


Searching the Frobisher Library for a long lost key hidden by a mad man was not how Lili expected to be spending her Friday night; though given the way her last five months had been going, she really should have expected it. Nina and Fabian had snuck out during lunch to touch base with Trudy, and apparently the assistant curator had let it slip that she was beginning to remember parts of her captivity, which was bad on so many levels!

Nina was currently at the hospital checking in on her gran, which left the other six Sibunas to search every nook and crany of the old library. Lili was currently helping Alfie dig through the book bin in the corner of the library.

"And Trudy definitely said she saw a key?" called Patricia from her spot searching under Jasper's desk.

"Yeah, but the key might not be an actual key," Fabian reminded the group.
"Maybe Trudy's dream's are just that, dreams" snarked Alfie as he chucked another book over his shoulder.

"Alfie, you're not helping!" snapped the scholar, before turning his attention to Amber up on the landing. "Find any books on Senet up there, Amber?".

"Big fat zero on a key or books on Senet" sighed the beautiful blonde.

"Look, I promised Nina I would find her something before she got back from the hospital".

"Why are we even wasting our time looking for this key?" wondered Lili. "Wouldn't our time be better spent finishing our game plan to cross the board".

"Lils? Where did you find the board again?" interrupted Amber.

"Right in the middle of the room. I noticed that the central tile was different from the other ones, so we pulled it up and found the rules for the game on the otherside".

The slam of a door shocked the group out of their conversation. "How's it going?" shouted the newly arrived American girl.

"I think we have our key," called back Fabian, to Lili's confusion.

Jasper entered the library through the other door holding a very familiar golden mask.

"Hey isn't that..." asked Nina.

"Our fake Mask of Anubis? Yeah, it was mysteriously returned" agreed the curator. I found it left on the doorstep, no note or anything and only slightly damaged".

"That means that Rufus knows it was a fake" sighed Jeorme.

"It would appear so, yes" admitted Jasper.

"Good!" snarked Amber. "So he's going to be very, very disappointed and sniffing around for the real mask anytime now".

"Which is why it is a good thing we have been practicing with Robert's Senet board" explained Fabian. "The board Lili found months ago had Robert's version of the rules, so we probably have a leg up on task".

"So what about the key Trudy mentioned, the clue from the dollhouse?" pressed Nina.

"If there even is a key" reminded Patricia.

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