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Summary: Nina gets creative

Evie's Notes: Yay! Second update for the day 😊. Having COVID means I have plenty of down time to write while I'm healing. Thank you again for your continued support for this story, it truly means the world to me 💜! I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this update 🌺.


Nina was starting to get antsy the closer they got to prom. This was supposed to be her first (real) prom and she currently didn't have a date. Her amazing, yet bumbling boyfriend, had not yet asked her to the dance!

All of the girls had dance partners except for Nina. Alfie and Amber told her not to worry, but she was getting frustrated. Even Mara had found a date when her debate team partner, Andrew, asked her to go with him. Eddie had presented Patricia with a sappy paintbrush bouquet and a note asking her to go to the dance with him one morning over breakfast. In a surprising twist, Joy was apparently going with her bandmate Ryn. The bassist had serenated the girl after Liturature earlier that week and then asked Joy to accompany them to the dance, to which the tiny brunette had happily accepted. Jerome had crafted a gigantic dance number/flash mob and had dramatically promposed to Lili down by the lake as the sun set... only for the happy couple and flashmobbers to be chased off by a family of angry racoons. Lili had of course said yes, and now Nina was the only one without a date!

Whenever she brought up her frustration to Fabian, he just hummed understandably and patted her hand before walking off with a twinkle in his eye. If her loveable dork did not get his act together soon she was going to have to do something drastic.

"Why don't you just do it?" asked Joy, as she idly flipped through a magazine in the house's sitting room.

"Do what?" asked Nina.

"Prompose to Fabes. It's obvious that you're upset that he hasn't gotten around to it yet".

"I'm not upset," lied Nina.

"Yeah right" scoffed Joy. Closing her magazine the girl sat up in her seat and leaned closer to Nina. "Look, you are crafty and sneaky as hell. If anyone could pull off a jaw-dropping promposal it'd be you".

Joy did make a fair point, and she clearly knew it if the smirk she sent Nina's way before ducking out of the room was any sign. Still Nina realised that prom was only four days away so if she was going to do this she had better get busy!

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

It took a bit of doing, but three tins of glitter, 12 cans of spray glue, 5 balls of wool later and eight Anubis resident promises to not crash her promposal, Nina was ready! She had texted Fabian to meet her in her room, and he should be arriving any minute. Checking one of the strings that held the banner in place Nina was startled by the knock on her door. Rushing over to open it, she found Fabian on the other side holding a giant box and decked out in a three piece suit.

"Nina Martin," he began.

"Wait, what!?" This was messing with her plan!

"You are the most amazing girl in the world. The young woman who makes my world spin, the apple of my eye. I knew for my promposal that I had to have the perfect gift... which is why I started working on it back in Febuary".

"We weren't even dating then" remarked Nina, too stunned at what she was hearing to process what she was seeing. Why on earth did he have such a big box?

"True, but I knew then, and honestly from the moment we broke up, what a fool I had been. I was crafting the perfect gift to give to you. So, Nina Martin... Will you go to prom with me?" asked the boy, lifting the box to reveal an even grander version of her broken Anubis House doll house. Without even opening it, she could see Fabian had commissioned the artist to include the add-ons Victor had built this year along with various changes the students had made since Sarah's time.

"I know that you carry Sarah and this place in your heart, so I thought you might like a physical version to bring with you wherever you may go".

"Fabian! This is gorgeous!" sniffled Nina, wiping away her shocked tears. "As for the prom question, I think this will answer that for you".

Pulling the string by the door, Nina watched her boyfriend's shocked and overjoyed face when her sparkly banner dropped from the ceiling bearing the words "Will you go to prom with me?".

Striding purposefully forward, Fabian pulled her in for a kiss as he murmured "Yes, Miss Martin, I will go to prom with you".


Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know what you want to see more of in the comments!

Next Update: PROM!

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie🌺

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