Liliana VIII

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With all of the drama regarding Mr. Clarke Lili had almost forgotten about signing up for the school online newspaper. It was only Mara's excited chatter at the table about all of the data she had collected that reminded her. "I spent the past several days collecting a ton of information about current events! My college applications are going to be shining with the role as editor and school rep on my resume". Lili didn't miss Amber's flinch as the school representative position was mentioned.

"Wait? We are going to have a student editor?"

"Yes Patricia. I talked to Mrs. Andrews about it the other day and I am a shoo in for the position". Lili couldn't help but roll her eyes at that as she ate her breakfast.

"Won't you be too busy to be editor Mara?" A couple of the other residents nodded along with Joy. "What with your school rep responsibilities, your AP classes and Mick?"

"Yes it's a lot. But I am the most organized person in this house. If anyone can handle it, it will be me!" With that Mara cleared her place and headed off in search of more stories.

Clearing her own place Lili snagged Amber to walk with her over to school. "So Ambs" she started looping her arm through the other girl's arm. "How are you holding up?" She elaborated after seeing the blonde's confused look. "I mean with Alfie and all".

"Oh that! We're fine. I'm sure he told you we are taking a little break but its ok. I mean I want whatever is best for him. He's my best friend and if he needs to take a break to work through some stuff, I'm going to do everything in my power to support him".

Lili smiled softly. There was truly so much more than met the eye with this beautiful charming young lady. The rest of their walk was filled with lighter topics and before both girls knew it, they had made it to their first class of the day. Splitting up they went to their respective seats to prepare for their first lecture.

*Tears of Gold - Tears of Gold - Tears of Gold*

The end of classes brought about the first meeting of the school newspaper. Saying goodbye to her friends Lili made her way to Mrs. Andrew's classroom. Entering the classroom she caught the end of Mrs. Andrews's explanation as to why Eddie would now be writing for the paper. "Punishment for that stunt with the chocolates. Apparently, he speaks French". Eddie had a big old grin on his face clearly proud to have been able to wiggle out of trouble once again. "Yes, I wanted something much harsher, but Mr. Sweet insisted it would be better if we put his creative energies toward something more constructive".

"So, I'm a reporter."

"Is this all we have?" questioned a disappointed Andrews looking over her sign-up sheet. Looking around Lili had to agree that it truly was a poor showing in the room. "Right. First things first. We need an editor". Leaning back in her seat Lili settled in for an interesting show as Joys hand shot in the air waving franticly.


"Ah, so Joy has nominated herself." Looking around franticly Mrs. Andrews continued. "Anybody else fancy putting their hat in the ring? Anyone at all". When no other volunteers stepped up Mrs. Andrews resignedly began, "Well, it looks like it's going to have to be-" Of course this was the moment when Mara had to come crashing into the classroom.

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