Patricia LXIV

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Summary: Patricia and Amber overhear some important information ✨

Evie's Notes: Happy Wednesday! Here is the second chapter that I am dropping today. I hope that you enjoy, let me know your favorite part in the comments!


No matter how much she tossed and turned, Patricia could not sleep. Each time she closed her eyes she saw the clear, cruel, calculating flash of his eyes and his sinister smirk. The shadows of her room warped and she swore that the corner between her wardrobe and the wall was cloaking his dark ensemble. Her breathing was limited to short, rapid, shallow pants. Patricia wanted to scream for help, but found herself frozen by fear and the ghostly strong hands around her throat. They had barely beaten him before, but to know that he had apparently been hiding and plotting against them this whole time?! Patricia didn't know how she, or anyone, was supposed to be able to function like this.

Her gaze turned to her best friend, sleeping peacefully in the bed beside hers. The part of her brain that was not freaking out that her abusive captor was still alive and coming back for revenge, was wondering whether or not to tell Joy about this situation. It made sense to tell the girl and have her be on alert... Rufus would want her as much as any of the other students. On the other hand, did Patricia have any right to disrupt the little peace the girl had won in her freedom? She was already surrounded by those who had wished her ill, did Patricia really want to be responsible for increasing her anxiety levels?

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

It was a weary group of students that dragged themselves to the breakfast table Thursday morning. It was clear that her fellow Sibuna members had not slept a wink as well after hearing the unwelcome news of Rufus' resurrection. Patricia was on her second cup of coffee already and was debating the merits of hooking an IV of coffee directly to her veins. Her deliberation was cut short when Joy stood up from her seat at the foot of the table and loudly called for everyone's attention.

"Listen up everyone! I have an announcement to make" declared Joy. "I know that we were all excited to see the article about the Anubis House ghost, but I have decided not to run the story".

"You're what?" shouted Mara, enraged that her hard work would not be published. Patricia was far too relieved and exhausted to care about Mara's take on the situation.

"You heard me. I'm not running the story" repeated Joy as she retook her seat.

"Well why?" sputtered Eddie, clearly confused by his best friend's decision.

"Because I'm the editor and I say so" stated Joy primly as she took a sip of her tea.

"But it's a great story" begged Mara. "It could be huge for the site"

"Yeah J, think of the 'eyeballs'".

"I'm just going to have to make The Jackal a success without it. You're not the only one around here who can write, Mara. I need to make sure that I allow the other writers with more serious stories a chance to shine".

"But this was my only chance to get my work out there" protested Mara.

"I know, and I'm sorry" apologized Joy sincerely. "But after what Sweetie said, I wouldn't be able to put your name to it anyways".

"Well, that marks the end of my 'making an effort' phase" joked Eddie as he cleared his and Joy's places.

Patricia squeezed Mara's hand comfortingly, before running upstairs to grab her bag for class.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Amber and Patricia were working together on their history homework in the sitting room Friday afternoon when they spotted Vera walking upstairs with a tea tray.

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