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Summary: Party Time!

Evie's Notes: Happy Saturday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜. Today we are officially at the end of canon! That doesn't mean we are at the end of TOG though. Stay tuned for plenty of more fun hijinks including Osirian/Chosen One training sessions, Murder Barn Estate sales, revenge plots, ultimatums and Prom! I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this new update🌺.


Patricia was reapplying her make up when Mara blew into the room in a tizzy. "Have you guys seen Jerome? Poppy texted me that he was back and I missed him"

"Hmm? Oh I think he is catching up with Alfie" hummed Joy.

"Oh, well I guess I'll have to catch up with him during the party then" sighed Mara despondently.

"Cheer up Emmy, it's only an hour till the close of the exhibition party" comforted Patricia.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

It seemed like the whole school turned out for the party. Patricica was standing in the kitchen with Mara making another pitcher of punch and people-watching the partygoers.

"Where is he?" worried Mara.

"Emmy, you need to calm down. I only saw him briefly earlier, but he seems to be doing ok".

"It's just not like him to just ignore me like this for days on end!"

"He was busy, Emmy," replied Patricia vaguely, trying to stick with the coverstory she had previously given the girl.

"I could have helped!" insisted the girl.

"Well you can go clear that up with him now" redirected Patricia, happy to see that the boy finally enter the dining room.

"Jerome! Where have you been? Poppy and I have been trying to you for ages! I started to think you'd died!" ranted Mara, rushing to their housemate's side.

"Come now, Mara. Don't be so cross, I might think that you don't like me" teased Jerome.

"Oh please!" scoffed the girl, pulling the tall boy in for a tight hug.

"I can't believe you! You are truly amazing, how ever did you manage to get this back?" demanded Alfie. The boy's entrance had the added benefit of breaking up the hug, which Patricia noted that Liliana looked exepectionally grateful for.

"It took some doing," admitted Jerome.

Alfie seemed to realize that talking about Sibuna events around Mara wasn't a good idea, and quickly made his excuses to the pair before heading off to talk to Matthew and Jason. Patricia though was far too invested in the drama to move on from sneakily observing the drama.

"Is that what I think it is?" asked Mara, gesturing to the purple gem, and Jerome nodded happily. "So that's where you've been this entire time? Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I didn't want you to worry," lied Jerome. "And I didn't want to put you in danger"

"While I wish that you would have let me help, I am so proud of you!" praised the girl. Rising up on tipitoes Mara pressed a kiss to the corner of Jerome's mouth. "I'm especially glad that you are finally back home here safe with me" she finished before stepping off to talk to Natasha, leaving a stunned meerkat and a bubbling blonde volcano behind.

Seeking safety from the upcoming bloodbath, Patricia headed off in search of her boyfriend.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

A little while later, the party was in full swing. Patricia was taking a dance break, after tearing up the dance floor with Eddie and their friends. It was crazy to think that before this year she would never dance, even under threat of death, but it turned out all she needed was to find the right partner.

She was resting on the couch between Tessa and Mari when Amber burst into the room. Patricia perked up happy to see the blonde. Amber had volunteered to accompany Nina to the hospital while the girl checked on her gran. The grin Amber was sporting let Patricia know the woman was recovering from her time bound by Senkhara.

"Fabian" singsonged the girl.

The black haired boy snapped to attention, and was across the room to the blonde's side like a shot. Patricia knew that she wouldn't want to miss out on whatever would happen next between Nina and Fabian. Tonight was truly shaping up to be a real game changer for the Anubis House romance department between this and the death glares Lili was shooting Mara from across the room.

"Wait.. wait..." directed Amber. She placed Fabian in the atrium with Nina, before ducking back into the sitting room yelling: "I'm clear".

Patricia, along with the other Anubis residents, engaged in a brief but fierce battle for the best view of the pair through the door's cracks. Luckily Patricia's pointy elbows were a wonderful weapon that had her coming out on top, and securing a wonderful view of Nina and Fabian's horrible attempts at romance.

As the party music changed, Fabian offered his hand to Nina and pulled her into a slow dance. "I've been thinking...breaking up and stuff. You know you're the one right?" asked the boy.

"The Chosen One" teased Nina.

"Well... my Chosen One" revealed the boy.

Nina, seeing her chance, leaned in for a kiss. And just like that the infuriating struggle of the Sibuna group leaders came to an end with 'Fabina' finally back together. Patricia threw open the doors and rushed out with the others to hug the reunited pair.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

The party continued long into night with speeches from Mr. Sweet, Jasper and Gustav Ziestack. With all of the chaos of saving Jerome, battling Senkhara and then killing Rufus, well the crew hadn't had time to figure out how they were going to deal with Jasper. Luckily the man wasn't scheduled to leave for a new dig for a couple weeks so the club had time to enjoy their night and celebrate their well deserved win. Tomorrow they could plan how to destroy the backstabbing curator, after all they had warned him, but for tonight... they danced.


Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know what you want to see more of in the comments!

Next Update: Plotting, another birthday, the long awaited open house, and of course the dreaded GCSEs.

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie 🌺

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