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Amber worriedly looked down at the beauty who's sleeping head was resting in her lap. Something terrible had obviously shaken the poor girl, Liliana was always so strong, and it was awful to see her so scared and upset. Pausing their telenovela, Amber shifted Lili so that she was lying comfortably on the bed's many pillows. With her friend secure for the time being, Amber ducked out of the room to try and talk to the others.

"Hey Ambs! Where did you disappear off too?" greeted Alfie as he pulled her down next to him on the couch.

"Lili and I wanted to get away from all the craziness for a bit. She passed out in the middle of our telenovela. So I came down to let you guys know that we can't use my room for the Sibuna meeting"

"Since Roe is a Sibuna now we can use our room, but shouldn't we wake her up so that she can be a part of this discussion? Nina said that Lili's mark flared too" suggested Alfie.

"Well if Liliana is asleep, I say we let her be" called Nina from where she was on clean up duty with Patricia. The sitting room and kitchen had gotten seriously trashed by the partying students, "There is no reason why we can't just fill her in afterwards. So let's plan to meet in Alfie and Jerome's room right after pin drop, that should give Trish and I enough time to finish up in here and give us an alibi with Victor". With the plan set, Amber and Alfie relocated to the boy's room.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Alfie snapped after Amber's fourth long drawn out sigh of the night. She was actually surprised by his restraint; he usually would have broken and asked her what was wrong around the second sigh. "Alright love what's wrong" he asked closing his book.

"Why does anything have to be wrong?" returned Amber from her spot leaning against his chest. Everything was just perfect except for the fact that they were all cursed, Liliana was a wreck and Tessa's comments from the election had finally started to get the best of Amber.

It had been a month and a half since the couple had decided to take things slow and put their relationship on hold. And while certain things stayed the same, Amber found herself missing her best friend. Which seemed so dumb since he was sitting right behind her, but there was now this invisible wall between her and Alfie, and she hated it!

The boy she had once been able to tell anything to seemed so far away. Alfie was the one who Amber went to when Mara was a bitch, her dad sent money instead of visiting, or Mick hurt her. He would distract Amber with stories about aliens, spar with her at the gym and even let her join him at the skate park. The pair, though radically different personalities, clicked together like a perfect puzzle. In their time 'apart' a lot had become clear for Amber, including the deep love that she had for the young man behind her.

"Come on Ambs I know something is up. You've been staring at the same article for the last twenty minutes" he pushed.

"I'm just worried about Lili and all the Sibuna stuff" she revealed not wanting to talk about the other reason. Everyday Amber found herself wanting to scream how much she loved Alfie from the rooftops, but she was scared of his reaction. He had been the one to try and break up with her, and thank the gods she had talked him out of officially ending their relationship, but it was obvious that he didn't feel the same way... right? Regardless, now wasn't the right time to talk about their romantic relationship, or lack of one, so she would just have to put those thoughts on the back burner for the time being.

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