Amber XVII

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Sunday afternoon found Amber and Nina hanging out in the living room. When suddenly Victor and Vera ordered everyone in for a meeting.

"Sorry Victor" called Nina, "What is all this about?".

"Yeah, Alfie and I have homework to ignore" sassed Jerome.

"Sit down all of you and be quiet!" snapped Victor. Liliana was the last to enter and there were no seats left. Seeing Victor's angry glare the girl darted over to her boys and sat on Jerome's lap. While it was clearly not the intention of the other girl at the moment it was hilarious for Amber to see Mara's blood boiling at the other blonde's actions.

"This arrived today, the recipient is a mystery" explained Vera holding up a rectangular package. "The contents though are not. Pet food" Oh no! That must be the stuff for the goose!

"The rules are very clear. Pets are strictly prohibited at Anubis house. If one of you is found to be harboring one the consequences will be most severe. Now Vera will chaperone you here, while I conduct a thorough search of the entire house. Starting with the upstairs!". With that he stormed out of the room to try and find the goose. They were so screwed.

All of Sibuna was on edge but especially the goose conspirators. Sitting forward Amber leaned over to the goose group, "Where is it?" she whispered.

Jerome leaned towards Alfie and casually asked "Remind me. We left the goose on the bed in plain sight, correct?".

"Yeah" bemoaned her boyfriend.

"Good, because for a minute there I was worried that Victor wouldn't find him" the taller boy snapped back.

Before Amber could continue the goose conversation, Nina signaled for all the Sibuna club member's attention. "This is really bad".

"I know," agreed Fabian.

Trying to lighten the mood Amber regaled the group with her latest bit of charity work, "What if Victor finds out I adopted a giant panda? I can't get thrown out of school!?!".

"I don't think that's the kind of pet that Victor's all that worried about Amber" rebuked Fabian clearly not in the mood for jokes.

Nina was eyeing the goose crew who looked like they might be sick at any moment. "I meant, what if he finds the spare amulet? Where is Patricia, she should be here to help us plan".

"Oh yeah, that would be way worse... And I think she went out with Eddie after their detention".

"Yeah. Eddie stopped in to pick up some football equipment. Apparently, they were hanging out this afternoon but it's almost dinner time and they should have been back..." added Fabian.

Tensions continued to rise as the group waited for Victor to report back. It was decided amongst the goose crew that the other Sibunas, under Amber and Lili's lead, would create a distraction so that Alfie and Jerome could sneak out and try and problem solve the goose issue. Finally Victor returned to the living room. Signaling the other girls Amber led the charge over to the grumpy caretaker. "Victor! Can we go get some of our schoolbooks?" asked Nina grabbing his sleeve to keep him in the room.

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