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Summary: The Sibunas check out their latest task and Amber & Patricia have their talk

Evie's Notes: Hope you enjoy the new chapter! Let me know what you think in the comments

Studying ways to banish their evil spirit was so much easier when she wasn't cursed to appear extremely old. Amber was thankful to have her younger body back, and with it the ability to read through old tomes and decipher Frobisher-Smythe's hard to read scrawl. Taking advantage of her regained sight, Amber had opted to head to the library before the others in hopes of finding a new book connected with her quest.

Amber was still browsing the shelves when the others arrived to begin their Re-Heist. The group split up to their agreed upon stations as they waited for Jasper to escort the elderly couple out after their tour.

Luckily, the Sibunas didn't have to wait long. Fabian flashed Alfie a thumbs up as he whispered "showtime" to his team.

Alfie grabbed the statue of King Tutankhamun and shouted "Hey Jasper! How heavy is this"

The distraction worked like a charm as Jasper dashed across the room and up the stairs shouting "Alfie NO! That is a priceless artifact!".

"Oooh! It's deceptively heavy" laughed Alfie as he stumbled around the balcony.

Amber moved quickly to stand with Jerome to block Jasper's view of the display cabinet where Nina and Patricia were unlocking the case for the Ox Bell.

"Don't let it go!" ordered Jasper

"I should let it go?" asked Alfie, making Amber chuckle quietly.

"NO! I said DON'T let it go!" clarified the frazzled curator. Jasper grabbed the statue, and the pair were locked in a frantic game of tug of war for the priceless artifact.

"It's alright Jasper. I've got it!" babbled Alfie as he tried to stall for time.

Nina placed the bell back on the shelf and then threw the keys back to Fabian.

Amber flashed Alfie the "all clear" symbol as soon as the keys were safely tucked away in Jasper's drawer.

"As nice as it is to see young people taking an interest in history, don't you all have more interesting things to be doing on one of your final days of break?" huffed Jasper.


"Yeah, Thanks Jasper!" chirped Alfie before rushing down the steps.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

"Who's ready to see what's behind door number two" joked Alfie leading the way into the newest tunnel.

"Fabian, what's up with the weird bird symbol?" asked Jerome pointing to one of the painted columns which bore a large gold falcon symbol.

"That would be Horus, God of the Skies".

Wandering around the space in awe Amber remarked "Look at all of these hands!".

"They look like they are meant to be holding something" deduced Fabian.

"What though?" asked Alfie.

"I don't know, let's fan out and see if we can find any clues" ordered Nina.

The group split up and tried to find some clue to help them solve the unknown task. Amber decided to study the different staffs. She hoped to find a clue as to what they were supposed to hold.

"Hey guys, come look at this!" Alfie called pointing to a pattern on the floor.

"It's a riddle!" cheered Nina pulling out her phone to record the poem.

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