Nina & Joy XXVIII

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Trigger warning: There is a quite a bit of discussion about Joy's kidnapping and how that effected her mental health. 

Nina's P.O.V

It was the incessant banging on her door that woke Nina early Friday morning. Amber's sleepy whine and the fact that she rolled over putting her head under her pillow indicated that she wasn't getting up to answer the door.

"Alright, alright I'm coming. Hold your horses!" called Nina as she pulled on her robe. It was 3:30 am, what on earth could be so important that someone would have to wake her up. Opening the door Nina found Alfie, Jerome and Liliana on the other side, clearly this wasn't going to be good.

"Alfie what are you doing here?" asked a sleepy Amber as she reluctantly sat up in her bed.

"I also would like to know what could possibly justify you three waking us up so early" snapped Nina. It was a well-known fact that Nina was the furthest thing from a morning person so she couldn't bring herself to feel bad for snapping at the sleep-depriving trio.

"Oh trust us, it is definitely worth waking you up" sighed Liliana pointing to her ankle as Jerome pulled up his shirt showing the all to familiar Anubis brand burned over his heart.

Shit! This was why Nina hadn't wanted to include Liliana in all of this. The girl didn't deserve to have a murderous spirt own her soul. As for Jerome, well Nina had her own issues with the boy after last year, but that didn't mean she wanted him to be in danger. If only those idiots hadn't push so hard about Sibuna.

Nina could faintly hear Amber fussing over the pair as she sank down on her bed in shock. How did Senkhara even know to mark the pair? Nina hadn't even performed the initiation ceremony for them, secretly hoping that they would have become so overwhelmed and quit. Now that they were marked there was no way for them to back out without dying.

Pulling herself together Nina knew that she had to address this, "I am so sorry that this happened to you two. We have Mara's trial after school today and Fabian and I are planning to complete the task during it. We need to act fast since he still has an amulet. We can have a Sibuna meeting after dinner tonight to try and figure this out". Nina pulled Liliana into a hug and tried to offer some comfort, reassuring the girl that everything would be ok.

Joy's P.O.V

The morning of Mara's trial dawned bright and early for the residents of Anubis house. Joy watched as the previously cool, calm and collected Mara descended into a state of panic. Joy decided she should go down to breakfast early in order to avoid being roped into the search for Mara's missing evidence.

Entering the dining room she found Amber, Patricia and Eddie already eating. "Morning everyone" Joy greeted taking her normal seat at the foot of the table next to Trix.

"Morning Joy. Is Mara still freaking out?" asked Patricia.

"Yeah. She roped Nina into helping her look for the missing witness list. So I thought it would be best to duck out".

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