Amber & Liliana XXIV

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Evie's Notes: Hi y'all! This chapter is split into two POVs (Amber & Liliana).

Anything in Bold and Italics is a text message! Enjoy!


Amber's P.O.V.

The morning of the election dawned bright and early for the Anubis house residents. As she curled her hair Amber couldn't help but feel nervous. She kept flashing back to last year's failure. She couldn't go through the humiliation of losing to Mara again, she just couldn't! A knock on the door had Nina rushing to open it.

"Morning Neens, is Ambs up yet?" came Alfie's voice from the doorway.

"Come on in Alfie" called Amber as she sprayed her now curly hair hoping it would hold throughout the day.

"Morning beautiful!" her boyfriend greeted pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"What's behind your back" asked Amber eyeing his giddy smile.

"Oh... just a little something to wish you luck today" Alfie grinned revealing a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Oh Alfie! I love them! They're absolutely beautiful!" squealed Amber accepting the flowers as she hugged him.

"Alright Ambs," Alfie said placing his hands on her shoulders. "I know you're probably freaking out about today, but you have no reason to. You ran a solid campaign; we are all well prepared for the debate this afternoon. So let's just take a deep breath!". Laughing lightly, Amber closed her eyes and took a deep breath trying to center herself. "Alright are you centered?" seeing her nod he continued, "Great! Now open your eyes and let's shake our jitters out". Hitting play on his phone their favorite song started, and the couple started to rock out as Nina looked on and laughed. As Alfie spun her Amber felt her fears and worries leave her, for who could be upset with Alfred Lewis by their side.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Classes were cancelled that afternoon in order to clear time for the election. The speeches had gone off without a hitch and it was now time for the junior class to cast their ballots. Each of the girls had done a great job, Amber was impressed by Tessa. The girl had some awesome ideas about how to improve the school and Amber wouldn't be surprised if the other girl won. On the off chance that Amber actually did win, she decided that she would ask the other girl to help her with the job. Amber was sure that together the girls could change Frobisher Academy for the better!

"How are you holding up Millington?" asked Jerome as he passed her a fizzy water.

"Just nervous, I mean Tessa would do a great job as school rep, but I really want to win" she admitted sipping her water. The bubbles helped to settle her stomach a little, but she couldn't help but hope that Mrs. Andrews would hurry up and announce the winner of the election.

Ten minutes later Amber's wish was granted as Mrs. Andrews appeared on stage. "Attention everyone!" called the professor. "I have here in this envelope the winner of this year's Student Representative election. Before I announce the winner though, I want to congratulate each of the three candidates. You all ran impressive campaigns and demonstrated a true passion to serve the school and bring about change for your fellow students. You should all be extremely proud of yourselves, but it the end we can only have one winner..." Amber's stomach felt like it was in her feet. From her place between Alfie and Jerome, she could see Tessa nervously bouncing next to Hadrian and Abby, as well as Mara's serene smile as she stood with a smug looking Joy.

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