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Summary: This chapter has everything: Peddie, the longest word count in a while, Joy and Eddie back together again, Patricia protecting Amber and so much more! I hope you all enjoy!

Evie's Notes: Happy Sunday! I hope you all had a wonderful week . Thank you again for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜. Today's update is a little longer than normal so I hope you enjoy the bonus content. The Sibuna Quest is rapidly reaching its end! I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this new update🌺.


The closer they got to Senkhara's deadline, the more anxious Patricia became. She missed her friends and she was sick and tired of being stalked by a murderous spirit. On top of everything else, Eddie was sulking. Apparently he had noticed something going on, but Patricia really did not have the space in her head to try and come up with a lie for him. It definitely did not help that Jerome had decided to go off to a funeral. He knew how short-staffed they were, with Lili, Nina and Alfie locked up. It was seriously selfish of the weasel to take off like this when they needed him.

"Patricia! Just the gal I was looking for" greeted Fabian as placed his hand on her back. Leaning in he whispered in her ear "Let me walk you to Chemistry... we have a problem".

Another one?! They were at capacity!

Nodding her consent, Patricia waved goodbye to Natasha and started off towards Sibunas' next shared period. "What's wrong now?".

"Something seriously freaky happened last night" revealed Fabian. "I was dreaming about Senkhara again, but it wasn't just me this time. Eddie was in it too and she was talking about waking 'the Osirian'... you know that thing Victor Sr. keeps bugging Nina about. She offered her hand to Eddie and when I woke up he asked me if I saw her too!".

"So you both had the same dream of her?"

"Yeah, I think so".

"Why is Senkhara targeting Eddie now?"

"I don't know, but I wanted to make sure you knew so that you can think up a lie to keep him out of the loop. Things will only get worse if he finds out what is going on".

"Yeah sure, supes easy. It's not like he's intrigued or anything" snarked Patricia. This was going to be nigh impossible.

"Just try your best," sighed Fabian, holding the door to the Chem Lab open for her.

"I've cracked it!" cheered Joy, rushing over to the pair. Patricia couldn't help but think how much the girl looked like a five year old hyped up on sugar. She was literally vibrating in place due to the excitement of her breakthrough.

"That's great news!" congratulated Patricia.

"The only bit I'm not sure about is the last guard. I didn't get any footage of him, but I've worked out the safest possible moves I can... and yeah, I'm confident!"

"Amazing work, Joy" praised Fabian, looking over her plans. "I have a good feeling about this one".

"I have a sick feeling" contributed Amber, sweeping past the trio into the classroom. "If I never have to play death chess again I'll be happy".

"Think positive, Amber. We play one more game and in a few hours we'll have Nina, Lili and Alfie back" admonished Fabian.

"I never realised how much I would miss Alfie" joked Patricia. She was looking forward to having her friends back and being done with this magic shit.

"Oh really?" mocked an angry voice behind her. Unfortunately she knew the owner of it without even turning around. "That's just tragic. I think I hear a chorus of tiny violens. Too bad you couldn't miss your boyfriend like that... or your best friend".

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