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Evie's Notes: Happy 4th of July! This is the second of the two chapters I am dropping today. I hope that you enjoy, let me know your favorite part in the comments!


"Heya Boss" greeted Eddie as he dropped down on the couch next to Joy in the student lounge. "Have you seen this new website that's been circling the school? It's called Jack Jackal"

"A new website? But we already have a school site?"

"Well someone started another one, and it's got a ton of insane stuff on it".

"Like good insane or bad insane?" checked Joy.

"Good insane, but stuff that the admin would never let you post on The Jackal..." clarified her friend.

"What kind of articles are they posting?"

"Well it's a mix of stuff. Apparently the person running it, 'Jack', wants it to be an all inclusive site so they are allowing submissions. It went live on Saturday, and has been continuously updating since then. The first piece was a review on the school's service hour requirements and a call to action. Then there was an opinion piece about a need for more inter-house and commuter student unity"

"That all sounds like stuff that would be fine to post on the Jackal..." drawled Joy.

"Well yeah, but then the anonymous submissions started rolling in! Someone wrote about Mr. Sweet's cowboy video and another wrote an expose dragging Jerome and letting everyone know about the Donkey Day scam"

"Wait? That was a scam?"

"Yeah... but I think Jerry ended up doing the right thing in the end or whatever. Basically it is an unfiltered look at everything that goes on here. It's great!

"It is really good isn't it!" cut in Mara grinning. "I mean it's ok"

"Ok? This thing is gold" laughed Eddie. "I mean it is basically a mashup of all the best times that have happened since I've been here".

"Well I certainly can see why Mr. Sweet and the admin wouldn't want it up" admitted Joy, scrolling through the site on her i-pad.

"The site has everything from student drama and gossip to lifestyle tips, an 'Ask Jack' column, and a 'Shit Frobisher Academy Students Say' section" gushed Mara.

"Wow M, you seem to be really into this" commented Joy suspiciously.

"I mean obviously it's not as good as the Jackal for factual reporting, but it's out of reach of Mr. Sweet and allows the student's voices to be heard" defended Mara. "I am definitely on board for screwing over Mr. Sweet after what he did to me and I might just choose to submit a few myself... maybe another junk food expose".

"Right, the real news," laughed Joy. "Well I don't see any harm in it staying up as long as it stays out of the Jackal's lane".

"Maybe we should run a column on ghost hunting tips Jaffray" suggested Eddie. "It'd be nice to put all of our hard work out there. Especially since it apparently can't be traced back to us now".

"Maybe..." considered Mara.

Before the group could continue their conversation though, Ms. Valentine called for the class's attention and began her lecture.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Joy was packing up her things after class when Ms. Valentine asked her to stay behind for a chat. Eddie offered to stay with her, but given the fact that Joy didn't believe the woman to be in the school cult, she waved the boy off.

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