Amber LXI

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Summary: The Sibuna Club find their mosaic while the Anubis Unsolved trio get a new shot of their ghost

Evie's Notes: Happy Wednesday! I hope you all are having a wonderful week and staying cool in this crazy summer heat! Longer update today, let me know your favorite part in the comments!


The sibunas gathered in the secret study after curfew. Eddie, Mara and Joy's ghost hunting excitement had only continued to grow throughout the day; so it had not surprised Amber in the least when Patricia informed them that the trio would be hiding in the cellar to stake out Senkhara.

"Everybody have an amulet?" checked Nina.

"We are amu-loaded" joked Alfie.

"Yup! and we don't even have to do the quick amulet trade off of doom since Roe isn't coming" remarked Lili playing with her amulet. "It's nice to know that we at least don't have to worry about anyone going blind tonight because we transferred the amulets too slowly".

"I don't understand why we don't just destroy the beam and skip the hassle," sighed Amber.

"Keeping the beam in place is a good deterrent for keeping Victor and Vera out. This way they can't get the mask" explained Fabian.

"Precisely! Amber, did you remember to lock away the dollhouse?" asked Nina.

"Absolutely, of course," laughed Amber nervously. "It's way locked".

"Great! Then let's get started!" cheered the American girl.

"The library it is. Let's get that mosaic back!" shouted Fabian as he and Nina stepped into the tunnel.

"So you totally didn't lock the wardrobe, huh?" asked Lili

"Nina was rushing me!" protested Amber.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure everything will be fine, and we can lock it when we go back up later" reassured Lili.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

A long walk later, the Sibunas finally reached the end of the library tunnel. Fabian fumbled around in the faint light of their torches before finding a release button which opened the grate allowing the group to easily pass through the opening.

"According to Joy, the mosaic is upstairs" directed Fabian as he dashed up the steps.

"That tunnel is a health and safety nightmare. If it wasn't secret, I would complain. I have allergies, you know" whined Amber. She just wanted to go back to bed.

"It's not there!" yelled Fabian.

"Well spread out! It's got to be here somewhere" ordered Nina.

"Alfie, Amber and I will take the upstairs" offered Lili.

"uh... remind me what does this mosaic look like again?" asked Alfie

"It's green, mosaic-y, kind of tacky" listed Nina, all of which were not helpful descriptions. Amber just silently showed Alfie and Liliana a picture of the mosaic that she had stored on her phone. With their mission clear, the trio began to search the upper floor of the library.

Luckily, the group did not have to search long before Nina's cry of "guy's I got it!" filled the room.

Amber rushed down the stairs with the others to gather around Jasper's desk, where Nina had apparently found the missing artwork.

"Three reflectors out of six!" declared Fabian triumphantly as he used Alfie's pocket knife to pop the falcon piece out of the frame.

"Careful!" cautioned Nina. "Easy does it".

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