Patricia XXXIV

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Chapter Warning: Underage drinking

Patricia was not happy about having her voice stolen. She found herself sympathizing with Ariel for the first time in her life, but if there was one thing that Patricia Williamson was not it was a damsel in distress. She didn't do well with sitting around and waiting for someone else to solve her problems. Patricia was at her core, a woman of action, to not be able to make noise was slowly driving her insane. Luckily it was Saturday so she wouldn't have to explain why she couldn't speak to her professors.

Unfortunately the consequences of being unable to speak had already begun to take hold. As she got ready for the day, Patricia reflected on her conversation, or lack of one, with Eddie last night at the party.

*Flashback to Previous Night*

After the ping-pong match and getting hexed mute Patricia really didn't want to deal with anybody, so she grabbed some food and hid away from the main party on one of the love seats. Looking around moodily she couldn't help but think about who she really wanted to be spending time with. Despite her best attempts, Edison Miller had fought his way into her heart and carved out a place for himself for the foreseeable future, reflected Patricia glaring into her cup of spiked punch. It wasn't like she would be able to say anything embarrassing tonight so why not try and make her suffering a little more bearable.

"Are you back to ignoring me now? I thought we were passed this!" asked an upset Eddie taking the seat beside her.

"They were! But she was still having trouble allowing herself to trust him" Patricia wanted to say, but she was rudely reminded of her hex as no sound occurred.

Luckily, it appeared that Eddie had more to say, "Just hear me out please" he begged reaching for her hand.

Nodding permission she interlocked her fingers with his and waited for Eddie to say his piece.

"I am so sorry for not telling you about..." he looked around frantically to check for eavesdroppers, seeing none he continued "you know... my dad". And Patricia wanted to scream, she wanted to shake him and let him know that that wasn't what she was really upset about. It should be his own choice to decide whether or not tell anybody, even her, about his father.

"You were right. I could have trusted you with my secret, but I didn't. And I really care what you think..." he whispered. Patricia looked into his eyes, searching for the lie and found only love and admiration so strong that it scared her. Despite her fear though, she wanted to push it aside and return that blazing love to the goofy American boy.

Patricia tried to mouth her response to the boy, but he clearly wasn't getting it. As she tried sign language, he just became more and more nervous "Ok, permission granted to Yack...".

Given that all other routes had failed, Patricia reached for her i-phone only to remember that she had left it upstairs!

Eddie dropped his head in defeat and Patricia's heart broke. She had no way to communicate with him though! "I get it" she could see the tears shining in his eyes, but he pushed them away in favor of anger. "You're ignoring me now. Real mature" he shouted before storming out of the party. Patricia dropped her head back against the couch in frustration, that couldn't have gone any worse if she tried!

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