Alfie VII

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Alfie had just about had enough of all this nonsense. He had finally convinced Lili that Roe and Mara were not a thing when Poppy had to run her mouth about some flowers. Alfie could visibly see Lili counting to 10 as to not explode. Roe shot her a look saying that they would talk after. Which was good since they needed to buckle down and tell Poppy about the visit to the prison.

The talk was long and stressful but ended with lots of hugs and promises to try and be better at communicating. Alfie tried not to wince when Lil shot him a pointed look. He could only hope that Amber was wrong this time and that she hadn't figured them out. Giving Poppy one last hug the group split off to their houses for dinner.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Sneaking down to the cellar with the rest of the Sibunas was always an experience. Amber kept muttering the beat of the pendulums on repeat while Patricia complained that they spent too much time in the cellar and Fabian just glared at them all to shut up.

Entering the secret study Amber finally snapped "I can't get that badum, ba, bssssh... out of my head".

"That is a good thing Amber" Nina comforted as she directed the team into the study.

"You do realize" Patricia informed them without keeping her voice down "That there is an actual band called Pendulum".

Entering the room Alfie froze. There was only a blank wall where the entrance to the tunnel was supposed to be. "Uh guys! Where is the bookcase?". As if triggered by his question the wall spun, showing Victor on the other side. Amber jumped back with a gasp. While the others froze in fear. How did Victor even know about the study, much less the code to enter?

The group relaxed as the recording of Robert Frobisher-Smythe began to play. Victor had been blinded by the beam. They were safe as long as he didn't hear or touch them. The Sibunas then began a high stakes game of keep away as they tried to avoid the stumbling of the blinded caretaker.

It was Fabian who was able to direct Victor out of the study while the rest of the Sibunas hid. Crawling back up out of the bread oven they heard Victor and Vera discussing the tunnels and the boobytraps. Entering Nina and Amber's room Alfie had to agree with his Ex that is was definitely good to make noise again.

Nina was focused on the more pressing issue; "How did Victor get in there?"

Fabian tried to calm her down, "Let's not panic yet. He's only seen the Antechamber".

Patricia held up her amulet "And he can't get through to the tunnels".

"These amulets are not safe in our rooms"

"Then we will hide them" decided Nina. "The one place he won't search. Us". As each of them put on their amulets Nina continued. "One spare..."

"I'm sorry. I can't wear two" Amber decided. "I would look like a rapper".

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