Patricia LVII

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Summary: Patricia sulks, Joy schemes and the Sibuna Crew gets destructive.

Evie's Notes: We have a longer chapter again today so I hope you enjoy! Let me know your favorite part in the comments!


Patricia sulked all through breakfast. Luckily or unluckily, Patricia was known to not speak much in the mornings, so her sullen silence went unnoticed by the other residents. Her rage over her sister's betrayal with her boyfriend continued to build until she finally burst into a dramatic rant to Joy on their way towards the student lounge for lunch.

"Eddie and Piper kissed!" revealed Patricia to her best friend.

"What?" gasped Joy surprised.

"Yeah! Piper had just left after giving me her twin charm so when he came out, he mistook me for her. He said that it was 'wrong' that I didn't know about it. So, I just had to stand there and smile before rushing out of the room. I was hoping that he would then come talk to me, and I would find out the whole story. But he has had all day and he still hasn't come clean to me yet!".

"Yes, he has though" argued Joy.

"The real me, Joy" Patricia clarified.

"I mean what kind of relationship can we have if it's not completely honest?"

"First of all, this is super awkward for me since you both are my best friends. And secondly, you pretended to be Piper".

"Him honest, not me" scoffed Patricia.

"So, what are you saying Trix? What happens if he doesn't confess?" sighed Joy unhappily.

"Then we have a problem" decided Patricia leaving Joy to eat lunch with the Sibuna Crew.

"Okay, so each opposite pair of symbols equals one object. But that object could be anything or anywhere" explained Nina pointing to the picture of the zodiac on Fabian's computer.

"Good" snarked Patricia flopping down into the open chair beside Liliana. "This isn't going to take long at all".

"At least there's only six reflectors" comforted Lili.

"And at least we get some help" added Fabian. "Each object will have a falcon symbol on it. So, we will know if we have found the right thing".

"That's if we find them though" pointed out Amber from her spot resting her head on Jerome's lap.

Things had not gotten any better between Alfie and Amber. She was still avoiding him and shooting him death glares when they were in the same room together. Patricia had cornered the blonde earlier in the day and found out that Amber had witnessed Alfie asking Piper out the night before. The fact that Patricia's twin had left that morning wasn't enough to heal the hurt that Amber felt at being tossed to the curb by the boy she loved. Patricia was obviously in a hard place with the whole situation, but she hoped that the pair would somehow work their issues out soon.

"We have to find them, if we want to get the mask first" snapped Nina. "And look, I think I already know what another of the reflectors is".

The American girl pointed to two of the hieroglyphs saying "See that? It's a cup bearer".

When the group failed to show any reaction, Nina explained "The cup?"

"But I thought you hid the Cup of Ankh in Vera's room..." asked Alfie.

"I didn't say this was going to be easy," laughed Nina.

"Why can't just one thing be easy" whined Jerome, drawing laughs from the other Sibunas.

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