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Nina picked halfheartedly at her breakfast. She had been so stressed and strung out these past few weeks and therefore had steadily lost her appetite. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't even notice the room emptying until Vera told her to clear her space. Nina quickly finished her tea and head into the kitchen to drop her plate. Placing it in the sink, she spun around too fast and bumped into Liliana.

"Whoa there!" laughed Lili reaching out to grab Nina's arms trying to steady her.

"Sorry Lili!"

"It's alright, I wasn't looking where I was going either".

"Well let's hope you don't go blind too!" Nina chuckled.

At her words though, Lili turned white as a sheet and dropped Nina's arms grabbing her ankle, hissing like she had been burned.

"OW! What the heck? Why is my mark burning?"

"I don't know! I can't see Senkhara around. The same thing just happened to Alfie... Maybe she's trying to send us a message?"

"Well you can tell her the message is freaking received and she can knock it off with the torture shit". Slipping her foot back into her high heel, Lili retook Nina's hand and led her out of the kitchen back to the Atrium where Fabian was waiting with Nina's bag.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

The Anubis house residents had successfully persuaded Mr. Sweet to let them out of their last period class so that they could help set up for the competition. Nina had been assigned to help Vera and Mara prep the food for the reception. The housemother had sent Nina back to the school to await the beginning of the match. Wanting to wish Amber (and by extension Jerome) good luck, Nina headed for the student Drama lounge. As she got closer though, she could make out two very familiar voices, peeking her head around the corner Nina saw Joy and Fabian setting up seating for the match.

"So Fabes, you chose the movie last time we went out. I get to choose this time". Oh that sneaky witch!

"This time?" asked Fabian.

"Yeah, and I know the rules, salted popcorn, no straw sharing and don't talk over anything old or Egyptian. Come on! You know we had fun..."

"Yeah, we did"

"I'll even get Patricia to chaperone us" joked Joy poking Fabian playfully.

"Sounds like fun. You come up with a date and we'll make an evening out of it, just like old times".

"Great!" replied Joy with a blinding smile, pulling him into a hug. "I'll let you know what I pick!".

Nina slipped out of her hiding spot as Joy walked away fixing Fabian with a deeply unimpressed look. She allowed herself to cheer inwardly at the look of dread that appeared on Fabian's face as he caught sight of her, "Nina".

Tears of Gold: House of AnubisWhere stories live. Discover now